World so Cold

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And I don't need you here

And in this world around me

I'm glad you disappeared

So I'll stay out all night

Get drunk and fuck and fight

Until the morning comes I'll

Forget about our life

"World so Cold" -Three Days Grace

Lily hated Layla, for the woman had deluded her into thinking she could become a Mage.

Lily was bitter towards Lucy and Jude, for they betrayed her for Layla.

But Lily wasn't heartless, despite how she has been portraying herself. She didn't actively want someone to die, well except for Layla, nor did she actively jumped at the chance to do something immoral.

Did watching someone kill someone in front of her eyes when she could have prevented that death count as immoral?

"My daughter, Brandish...please...spare her exchange for my own..will you grant me this one final wish? Please...."  Grammi wheezed out, begging for her daughter's life.

Lily froze as the woman's eyes locked with hers, a feeling that Lily wasn't familiar with immediately overcame her.

To Lily, Grammi was more than just Brandish's mother. Grammi was like a surrogate aunt to her. The only one who didn't judge her hate for Layla despite being best friends with Layla.

The one who showed Lily how to clean a Celestial Spirit's key with care.

"Please..." Grammi repeated, but this time she wasn't talking to Zoldeo, she was talking to Lily.

Contract: Grammi's Last Wish.

Terms: In exchange for her own life, Grammi asks for her daughter's safety.

Reward (for Lily) : Grammi's forgiveness.

Reward (for Grammi): Brandish's safety.

Additional information:

-Grammi μ's daughter, currently ten years old, is now an orphan.

-Brandish lives in Alakitasia.

Rules (for Lily) :

1. You -and in extension your associates- are not allowed to physically harm Brandish and will strive for her well being.

2. You will not disclose anything about Grammi's death to outside parties.

3. You will care for Brandish.

Should Lily not uphold the contract, Lily will be hated by Grammi.

Rules (for Grammi) :

1. You will die.

2. You will never hate Lily or condemn her.

Should Grammi not uphold the contract, Grammi will be hated by Lily.

Lily blinked back her tears as the contract appeared in front of her and didn't hesitate to say: "I accept."

In response the contract dissolved, but Lily could still feel its weight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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