Confusing Thoughts

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"I hate seeing you kissing boys."

Or, the one where Theo doesn't like to see Liam kissing other boys and worries about why he's having those thoughts.


Word Count: 1853

Independent Work


Theo had never seen himself as judgemental, he never had had a problem with people of different races or religions, he had never had a problem with people with different physical characteristics, he accepts the different personality traits everyone has, and he had never had a problem with LGBT people.

That is until Liam had started bringing Brett to their apartment.

Liam was respectful when Theo was around, keeping the touching light and appropriate. They would hold hands and touch softly, keep the kisses to a minimum and include Theo in most of the conversations they had.

But Theo didn't like any of it, it felt weird.

He didn't like to see them sitting so close, he didn't like to see them holding hands, he didn't like to see them touching lightly and he absolutely didn't like to see them kissing.

And it worried Theo. Did it make him homophobic to not like the sight of Liam and Brett? Or was it all simply because Theo was uncomfortable with PDA?

But Liam was happy with Brett, he was happy and everyone could see that, so Theo didn't say anything. He didn't ask Liam to keep everything Brett-related outside of their house, he didn't ask him to stop the touches and kisses; he just let it happen, let them be, and kept all the uncomfortable feelings to himself. Because he was Liam's friend and he would never interfere in their relationship, he would never interfere in Liam's happiness, not like this.

This went on for weeks, Liam and Brett go to Theo and Liam's apartment to hang out and they would act like a couple. Theo wouldn't say anything, he would pretend that everything was okay and nothing was bothering him, he would act normally for as long as he could. But, eventually, Theo started making excuses to be out of the room, or even the house, anytime Brett was over. And he got used to it, he got used to the lies and all the excuses.

But all of it came to an end abruptly.

In a week, Brett stopped showing up and Liam stopped talking about him. Liam started spending more time in the house and, when Friday came around, he didn't leave for his weekly date night with Brett. He also didn't seem as happy as he had been and Theo started worrying, part of him already knowing what had happened.

However, Theo had always been a selfish asshole and he didn't want to ever touch the Brett subject, still as uncomfortable as ever, so, for the first few days, he didn't open his mouth, convincing himself that if Liam needed anything he would ask him. And it worked for those few days.

But then the weekend came around, Liam seemed sadder than ever and Theo couldn't take it any longer. Even his selfishness had limits. Liam had somehow managed to settle that limit.

So, Theo shoved his selfishness and uncomfortableness in a dark and hidden corner of his mind and sat down on the couch with Liam on Saturday morning. He asked about Brett, asked why he didn't come around anymore, asked if everything was ok. And Liam told him what had happened. He told Theo that Brett and he had broken up, he told Theo that their relationship didn't seem to be working, that they had started to get bored of the relationship and started seeing each other as only friends again, he told him that he was glad it had ended now rather than later, but that it still hurt.

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