"Finally you guys are here! We need to go now" Calum said to Luke grabbing him by the arm.

"Um what's going on can someone tell me please because I am kinda lost" I semi shouted. Luke got a hold of my hand.

"Found you!"he said and started to laugh. "I'm kidding babe, come here" 

He pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him. This felt nice. It felt right and I didn't want to leave his side ever.

"Hey Cal where's your girl?" Luke asked. I looked up at Calum and he had the biggest smile I have ever seen on him. It honestly made me happy just seeing him like that.

"My girl, I like that ha she's through that door I told her to wait there while we get everything ready and stuff" Luke nodded and looked down at me.

"You should go make her company. You guys can be friends you know. I'll go get you when we get done arranging everything ok" he whiskered into my ear. I felt him slowly vite down on my ear and tug at it.

"Luke!" I yelped and he just hugged me tighter and laughted.

"Go" Luke nodded towards the door in which I'm guessing Calum's girlfriend was in. I started walking away but before I could get any further I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"You were going to leave and not give me a kiss. Well that's not going to work honey" he turned me around and planted his lips on mine before I could respond to his kiss he separated from me.

"I'll see you in like ten minutes ok" I just nodded and entered the room. By now I was kinda figuring out where we were at. It smelled of sweat and there was instruments in the hallway. I wasn't sure but maybe Luke had asked the guys to come here because they knew the group that was playing and maybe it was someone I liked.

When I entered the room there was a girl with brown shoulder length hair. She was wearing glasses and I think she was listening to music because she did not turn when I shut the door. She noticed me when I sat across from her. 

"Hi "she said shyly.

"Hello. I'm Emma you must be Calum's girlfriend right" her cheeks instantly turned red.

"Um yeah im Krissana but you can call me Krissy or Kris whatever you like" she seems so shy, so timid.

"I like your name not a lot of people have that name, it's unique" I told her with the biggest smile. She seemed nice and if we were going to hang out I needed to get her out of the little shell she was hiding in.

"So how long have you and Cal been dating?" I curiously asked.

" Well we've been seeing each other for like around two weeks but we just made it official a day ago so not that long" she looked at the floor and I could tell that she didn't want me to see her blush.

"Well I could tell that he really does like you and I'm happy for both of you" I sincerely say. 

"Thanks. What about you do you have a boyfriend or something of that sort." Now it was my turn to blush.

"Yeah I do. He's my best friend actually."I stayed quiet for a minute before taking again. "Its crazy to think that this boy that I love so much has been by my side all these year and i now actually can say that he is mine. It's strange how this works. I never thought that my best friend and I would become more than just that you know. It's just all surreal" I looked at her and she just smiled.

"Well I think this is something cute and you are lucky to have your best friend be your boyfriend. It's one of those thing that are just inevitable you know." 

Nothing To Lose (5sos/Luke fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ