Grazing her fingers gently across the wooden tables and railings, she made her way to the bar and looked at the place she always sat at; alone. Her eyes trembled with sadness as she was reminded of Sting and the argument they had. She sighed and let her hands fall back to her side.

"It isn't a good habit to spy on someone," she said.

A young girl came out, her platinum blonde hair flowing behind her as she walked over to her with a despondent smile.

"I see you've returned, Lucy."

"Yes. Though I wish I didn't have to," she turned around. "Mavis."

The two locked eyes with one another and stood their ground, a smile plastered on each one of their faces. The tension in the atmosphere died down as they both relieved themselves. Lucy shifted herself and looked at Mavis.

"It's a shame that your guild has turned into such a state."

"Yes. It is a shame," Mavis looked down at the floor in regret. "On their behalf, I apologize for what they did, Lucy."

She waved her off. "I don't want to hear your apology. The only apology that I want to hear is from them and no one else. What's the point of hearing an apology from a person that wasn't even a part of it?"

Mavis sighed and walked over to her, hopping onto the edge of the bar. "Those at've come to care for them."

Lucy remained silent and chuckled. "You're right," she gazed up at the ceiling. "They're the people I've come to trust and believe. They're my family now. That's why for them, I'm stepping out of my bounds and going as far as to do this."

Mavis widened her eyes and stared at her. In the many years that she had known Lucy, she never did anything for anyone else; especially going as far as to do all this. Mavis looked down at her feet, her bangs covering her face as she thought about the guild that she herself had created. She felt angry at what they did but at the same time, she couldn't bring it upon herself to punish them. She smiled and looked at Lucy.

"I won't stop you, Lucy," she said, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Because to me, you're still a precious child of mine."

With that, Mavis disappeared as quickly as she had come. Lucy stared at the place she had disappeared before looking back down at her hand. Mavis could think whatever she could of her but in Lucy's mind, she was a part of Sabertooth. She looked at her insignia and gripped her hand, her eyes tense and relentless. Fairy Tail could've done whatever they want with her and she wouldn't mind but dragging Sabertooth in...that was one thing she couldn't forgive.

"Come, Fairy Tail," she crossed her legs and stared at the door. "I'm waiting."


The parade was ending and Fairy Tail was still in a festive mood. They had ended with their Fairy Tail signature sign and with all the cheers from the crowd, Natsu and the others grinned at one another. They cleaned up the floats, leaving at a storage center they had rented out and were beginning to make their way back home. Confetti littered the streets but no one minded. It was the Fall Festival after all.

"Man, that was great. Wasn't it, Happy?" Natsu grinned at his exceed.

"Aye~!" Happy nodded his head.

"Fairy Tail's sure to win this year!" he exclaimed.

"It's a given," Happy remarked. "The performances were better than anything. Besides, we have the upper hand since we performed on the first day."

"Right? Sabertooth's going to be groveling before us with this!"


The two made their way back to their house and upon arriving, time seemed to slow down. They had grins on their faces but that soon faltered as they gazed upon their house. Their eyes widened in shock as their faces paled in disbelief. Iron rods, pipes, and tanks were plunged right through the house. The wooden planks that made up of the walls of the house were splintered as part of it came crashing down. It wasn't even a house anymore to them. It had become a dumpster, reduced to almost nothing.

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