Transformers: Save Me

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Chapter 1: Danica Farman

Danica's POV

Hi, I'm Danica. Danica Farman. I live on a large dairy farm in Dallas, Texas, and I'm sixteen years old. I live with my younger brother Ryan, he's about 10 years old. My dad, Mark, takes care of us. He's been a little depressed since our mom left us for a huge fashion opportunity in New York. They are still married, even though they are like, hundreds of miles apart. Mom's of course not alone in the big apple, she's just staying with her sister and her husband till she is allowed to go back to Texas. It's probably been a whole year since she left and I'm supposed to meet up with her soon in New York.

Anyways, today was the day I was leaving, and I was already done with my packing. Im driving all the way to New York in my Camaro, since dad was too cheap to pay for airfare. I went outside and opened the Camaro's trunk and put my suitcase inside. About my Camaro, it's yellow with black pinstripes, and it's model is probably a 2007. I call him Bee when my dad and brother aren't around.

Well enough of that, I'm probably boring all of you. My dad says I talk too much. Speaking of my dad he just walked out of the house and asked me what I was doing. I was like, "Dad, I'm packing for New York. I'm leaving today, don't you remember?"

Dad just looked at me funny and said, "I know you miss your mother but I didn't say you could go to New York!" I looked at him shocked, dad, mom, and I have been planning this for a whole month! I became furious with him and yelled, "You knew about this dad! Mom knew about this! I'm going to New York, and on the way I'll say hi to some of our family members I might bump into!"

Dad didn't like me yelling at him so he pulled my hair, hard. I screamed as I thought, 'He's never done this to me before...The only reason that he would do this is...that he's drunk!' I looked up at dad who yelled at me, "L-listen here...b-bitch. Your punk a-ass needs to l-learn some re...respect for your daddeh..."

I managed to get my hair out of his grasp, but he took a long chunk of my hair with him. But when he noticed that my hair wasn't in his hands, well except for the chunk of hair, he grabbed my neck and began to choke me. I grabbed his wrist as I tried to release myself. I gasped, "D-dad! Yo-your drunk!"

Only his grasp tightened when I said that. I tried to yell for my brother, "R-Ryan! Help! D-dad is dru-drunk and...he's ch-choking mee!" But Ryan didn't come out of the house. I could see the colors all around me begin to fade as everything went black.

Time lapse~2 Hours

Danica's POV

As I woke up, I could see I was not on the farm anymore. Was I dead? No, because when I fully opened my eyes I realized I was in my Camaro. And so was Ryan. And so was the blonde haired guy that looked my age but I've never seen him in my whole life. Wait what?! Who is this guy and where the hell is he driving us to?! I sat up and scared the crap out of Ryan and the blonde guy. Maybe I shouldn't complain he's pretty cute. No! I need to know who he is, where's my dad, and why am I not dead?! I yelled at the guy, "Who are you? Where are we? Where's my dad? Why am I still alive?!"

He looked a little overwhelmed but he did try his best to answer, "I'm...I'm Bumblebee. I'm your car." I was kinda taken aback, he was my car?! I asked, "Then if your my car, how are you human?" 'Bumblebee' just looked at me and then just completely disappeared into thin air! What the hell?! But then I heard his voice through the radio, "Just a simple hologram. Now about those other questions, we are close to exiting Texas, on our way to New York. Your father is still at home, probably freaking out. And your not dead because I saved you." I was still completely confused. But then he spoke up again, "More questions?"

This time I asked, "How can you save me when your just a car?" That's when Bee stopped and got off the road and began to drive into the secluded desert. When we were far from the road, he opened our doors and told us to get out. We did and he shut the doors.

I heard a clicking sound, it was faint at first, but when I realized it was Bee, it was astonishing. He transformed into a robot! A freaking 30ft tall robot. I felt like screaming but oddly I didn't. Bee kneeled down and picked me and my brother up in both of his large hands. He then asked, "You are not afraid?"

I shook my head and said, "No. Not really." Bumblebee smiled and my brother asked, "Why are you my sisters car? Why is she so special?"

Bumblebee looked at my brother and then at me. He answered, "She's a Techno-Organic." I looked at him strangely and asked, "Techno-what?" Bee chuckled and said, "Techno-organic. Your part human, part Cybertronian." Ok. Now what the hell is a Cybertronian? Robots like him? It's like Bumblebee knew I was going to ask so he continued, "Cybertronians were inhabitants of Cybertron, my home planet." I nodded my head, but still I wondered, why am I part Cybertronian?

I apologized to Bee, "I apologize but I have one more question. Why am I part Cybertronian?" Bee looked around and then turned to me and said, "You were probably sent here when you were a sparkling-a baby. Your creators-parents, were probably worried for you when the Great War happened so they sent you here. The last time I saw the rest of the Autobots, Ratchet, our medic, had your records. Your mother is...sadly one with the Allspark, but your father is still alive. And we know he is an Autobot. But he kept that under cover."

My eyes widened as I thought, 'My father isn't my real father and my mother isn't my real mother? And heck, my brother is probably not my brother!' Ryan stared at me and sighed, "It's true. Mom always told me the story when you crash landed on one of the cows."

I chuckled, "I killed a cow?" Ryan smirked, "Yep." I face palmed and turned to Bee and asked, "So where are the Autobots?" Bumblebee looked sad when I asked, but still answered, "I...I don't know."

((So I'm really pumped for Age of Extinction, so I decided to make a story that's before the timeline the movie takes. Because, I'm just that weird, ok? Danica is my OC and I don't own transformers of course))

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