Chapter Five: Beauty Won't Fall

Start from the beginning

As I walked towards my car, something strange pierced my brain, right at the front. It felt unsettling, as if my mind was half here, and the other part was somewhere else.

Somewhere that looked like a toy store.

I couldn't help but frown. I'd never felt this way before, like I had split my entire body apart by pinching each individual molecule in opposite directions. Every part of my mind and soul screamed at me to follow the urge, to find the source of this unusual dilemma.

"Jack? You coming?" I blinked, finding Rapunzel's round face within seconds. Her honey-tinted lashes dipped several times as she waited for my response, her lips, glimmering in a fresh and carefully-applied coat of...

I mentally slapped myself. It didn't matter that I knew she always wore Ripe Spring Cherry Daze lip gloss.

"Yeah," I replied. I smiled at her as proof of my intentions, and I hooked my index finger into the large ring holding my car keys together. "Let's get this thing started."

She watched me slide effortlessly into the driver's seat, confusion playing across her features. "'This thing'? You mean my date?"

"What do you think?" I said to her, nodding while gripping the thick steering wheel with my right hand. I flitted my gaze towards the rear, draping an arm cover the back of my seat as I backed out of Merida's driveway. "Wouldn't want it to be a mess."

That feeling formed inside me again. When I had spoken the last two words, "a mess", my ears picked up another voice, saying the exact same thing.

Rapunzel laughed. Her arm raised to rest on my shoulder, squeezing. "Jee, thanks, Jack." Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a smile lift her cheeks. "You know, I wonder what Merida's up to at Hiccup's."

I groaned, slouching. "Oh, boy."


"Thank you, North," I said. My fingers were gently grasping the corners of an envelope, the paper a light and filmy shade of honey. In a metallic glow, the word "Welcome" glimmered just below the sealed flap, the glare from the ceiling lights rippling across the letters when I tilted the envelope. Nestled inside was the pink copy of the job form I had filled out, and the acceptance certificate, sporting the signature of North himself.

"Elsa," he started, warmth swimming in the melted blue orbs of his eyes. Then, as if reconsidering, he let out a chuckle, shaking his head quickly. "No. Not important."

Beside me, Anna raised an eyebrow, clearly curious for him to continue. "What's not important?"

"Probably the rules." Tooth laughed, raising her arm to pat North's shoulder gently. "I mean, it is a toy shop anyway, so he doesn't need them to begin with."

"Ah, that's where you're wrong," the Australian man piped up. He jabbed a thumb towards the aisles and aisles of packaged toys and knick-knacks, each placed methodically and evenly from the next child's delight. "What would it look like without them rules?"

"A mess," I agreed, nodding my head.

"There ya go," he said, raising his eyebrows and grinning. He leaned back, lifting his arms to gesture to me. "See? She understands." To me, he added, "I'll look forward to working with ya, Elsa."

"Oh, hush, Elsa," Anna chided as he headed behind the counter, her eyes rolling. "I know your little utopian preferences."

I shrugged, smiling softly. "Can't help it." Turning to North, I added, "And that's why I'll try to be the perfect employee."

"I know," he told me. "I do not doubt it vone bit."

Tooth beamed at me, standing beside North one moment, appearing in front of me the next. I glanced at North, who delivered a gracious thumbs-up before returning to his work."Okay, Elsa," she began, grinning to display her beautiful teeth once more. "You'll be starting out as the storyteller next Monday."

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