Part 2 (≧ω≦)

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It was the day. The day of school. Tord was nervous, would he get picked on? What would the children think of him?

They'd hate you.

You're a loser...

You're a NO BODY.

"SHUT UP ALREADY, WILL YA?!" Tord yelled at the voices aloud. He heard Paul holler. "Who are you talkin' to?"

"Myself.." Tord mumbled. God, he felt embarrassed. He didn't mean to yell aloud! Tord realized this whole time he was just sitting there, not getting ready. "well aren't you a dumbass?" he asked himself as he sat up from his bed.

"It's the big spooky day, Tord!" he heard Patryck holler in a jokingly manner. "Haha, very funny!" Tord called back with a sarcastic laugh. He waddles towards the closet and picked up a black shirt that said "Swagger my Dagger" on it and pulled his pastel red hoodie over. He looked through the MOUNTAIN of pants and shorts. "What to wear..." Tord just closed his eyes and picked randomly. "Fuck" he mumbled. 

Out of all the possibilities... booty shorts. He's so going to look like a slut. Whatever, he knew he wasn't, who cares what the kids think, right? All he could hope for was for someone to find a liking in him. He had a good feeling about this. New place, new school, new surroundings, new records, new people.

Tord pulled the shorts up as fast as he could and sped SANIC fast into the bathroom. (Heh, like what I did there? wink wonk) He whipped out his hairbrush and sloppily brushed the mess on top of his head. After he somehow managed to brush the two devil-like horns chilling on top of his head, he threw the hairbrush back into its rightful place on the counter. He opened a cabinet and got his toothpaste and toothbrush. 

He brushed his teeth as fast as he could. He didn't want to be late for school! After he was done he spit out the toothpaste and washed his toothbrush. He sloppily put the supplies back and walked out to grab his socks and shoes his dads always prepared him.

"That was quick" Paul said, surprised. Tord usually was very slow, not wanting to go to school. Like, who would? School sucks! Especially when you're bullied... fuck school!

Tord slipped his socks and shoes on and looked at Paul. "Who's driving me today?" he questioned as Patryck walked in. 

"We both will!" Patryck said, pulling Paul close. All he got in response was a grunt from Paul. Wow... life here isn't that much different then he thought. 

"When are we leaving th-" Tord was GOING to say, until he so ever rudely got cut off by Patryck.

"RIGHT NOW, COME ON! We gotta get to work EARLY!" Patryck said, a little too enthusiasticly. 

Tord rolled his eyes, "alright then, lets go."


Tom just got done eating his cereal. He LOVED Eddsworld cereal, but his mom and dad never let him have it. He stole this from the store, he's only eating this because his parents went to work early. They work at the same place, thankfully. 

Tom hated his parents, they always beat him for no reason... he slacked in school because of them, he was depressed. They didn't care about him.. only Edd and Matt knew about him. Tom got himself addicted to Smirnoff. That's his way of dealing with the pain, anyways.

"Time for school... new year, new me.." Tom muttered to himself, as he walked to the door. "FUCK, I ALMOST FORGOT MY BOOKBAG!"

Tom ran to the back porch and grabbed his bookbag. Yes, back porch. That's his 'room'. His parents hate him that much, at least it isn't like normal back porches, it's like a regular room... just... really gross looking.

Tom ran out the door and dripped, forgetting about the steps in front of the door. "God damn it! Where is my brain today?!" He yelled, not caring about the confused looks on people's faces. He growled beneath his breath and sighed. This was going to be a long day...

Tom began walking again, heading towards the school. His head hurt from the ever so clumsy fall. He shook it off as he continued walking. Maybe he'd meet someone new... who knew? Maybe he'd get more bullied. Ya, probably the second one.

Tom looked up, and there, he was met with hell itself. School. 

He walked into the gates, he was now officially in school. Tom hated school, he only went because his parents would literally murder him if he skipped just one day. Even if he's bleeding out and broke every bone in his body he wouldn't be able to miss a day of school. His parents sucked!

Tom looked at his phone to see the time. It was 7:43. Great, an hour until school actually starts. He was nervous as all living hell! Hopefully he had some classes with Edd and Matt... he didn't really want to be lonely. If he was lonely, that would make him a good target to the bullies.

Tom looked around, taking in his surroundings, there was few people. One in particular caught his eye. A boy with horns for hair... he was wearing a red pastel jacket, and he looked terrified.

Tom walked up to him, and tapped his shoulder. The boy jumped and turned around quickly. Tom smiled at him, "hey, are ya knew around here?"

The boy nodded, looking up at Tom with worried eyes.

"I'll show ya around, the name's Tom, by the way!" Tom said, he liked helping people out. The complete opposite of his parents.

The boy shivered at Tom's sudden voice. "M-my name's Tord..." Tord said in a rather heavy accent. Where the fuck was he from? Tom never heard an accent that heavy before, what the fuck?

"Nice to meet ya Tord! Unique name, I like it! Where are ya from? You have a deep ass accent, that I like too by the way..." Tom complemented, laughing as he scratched the back of his neck.

Tord seemed to calm down, looking Tom in the eyes instead of looking elsewhere, having a mental freak out. "I'm f-from Norway, and th-thanks?" 

"Aw, sick! I heard pretty cool shit about Norway!" Tom said, amazed. He never thought he'd meet a Norwegian!

Tom was beginning to like this Tord kid. He seemed cool, but he didn't think Tord liked him that much... he didn't seem the social type. "Welp, I'll give ya a tour of the school. May I see your schedule?" Tom questioned looking at Tord.

Tord nodded, and handed Tom a piece of paper.

Tom scanned the classes. Tord had three classes with him! 

"Nice, you have three classes with me, first, third, and last." Tom stated, getting excited. 

Did Tom just make a new friend?

Haha- I uh.. I made a part 2!

Also, thanks for the support on the first one, I was thinking I wasn't going to continue it, I'm going through things Irl rn...

But since you guys liked it.. I continued it!

I might make a part three friday or tomtorrow

I'll be on a bus for four hours both of those days, so..


Sorry if there's type-o's or some shit

and sorry if it's short .v.



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