Midorima smirked. “Seriously…”

“Are you trying to threaten me—“ Tetsuya’s older brother was cut off when someone else talked.

“Akashi-kun, Midorima-kun, Aomine-kun, Kise-kun, Murasakibara-kun, Takao-kun…you’re here.” The teal-haired phantom player of Generation of Miracles, appeared right behind his older brother and whispered those words.

“Waah! Kurokocchi, are you alright? You don’t look fine.” The yellow-head copycat anxiously asked.

Tetsuya went out of the door and forced himself to smile. “I think so…”

“Come here.” Akashi murmured and placed the smaller teal-haired in his arms. “It’s alright. It’ll be fine. What did he say?”

The boy in his arms sobbed as he shakily handed him his cellphone.

Midorima took it and read it with the others. They all became quiet. “Can we please come inside, Kuroko-kun?” Kise asked with polite tone.

The latter gulped then sighed. “Fine.”

“Takao, chain the rickshaw and come inside the house.” Midorima instructed.

“Gotcha, Shin-chan.”

The six went inside Kuroko’s House and sat on the living room as the small teal-haired teen continued to tremble at his former captain’s arms.

Takumi narrowed his eyes before turning away. “I’ll be heading to my room now. Do what pleases you.”

“Hmph. What kind of brother leaves his sibling to other people especially when he’s in such pain? Are you really that irresponsible or just scared that you won’t fulfill your duty as his brother? Oh, maybe, you just love your job more. Go on, then.” Akashi murmured.

“Why you--!”

The red-head narrowed his heterochromatic eyes. “Why, am I wrong?”

Takumi Kuroko just clenched his teeth.

“I’m not wrong, am I? That’s because I’m always absolute and I know exactly what you’re thinking right now. Your mind is full of the question: ‘Am I supposed to do something or continue my job?’”

The other gulped.

“I’m right again. Go on, now, Kuroko-kun. I think I’ve said enough.” Akashi mumbled.

Takumi huffed and headed to his room and slammed it shut. After doing so, he slid through the door. “He was right. What kind of brother am I? I do not even know what’s going on with Tetsuya…Ugh.”

“It’ll be alright, Tetsuya.”

The said boy didn’t respond.

“Tetsuya.” Akashi mumbled and lifted the teal-haired teen’s face. He couldn’t help gulping after seeing the latter’s face. His tears won’t stop from pouring. His hands won’t stop from trembling. He could almost see the same face Kuroko had the first time he cried like this and asked their help.

He doesn’t know what to feel. He doesn’t know if he should hug him or comfort him in a different way. The sky blue-head’s lips trembled before they let out another sob. “I’m scared.”


“I was having fun earlier, I almost forgot what happened that time. But right after you dropped me home, the memories flashed in my mind again. I tried being positive again but it won’t work. I tried smiling from the bottom of my heart but his laugh replayed again and again in my ears…”

Everlasting Requiem [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now