Untitled Part 18

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A/N: Gomen nasai for the very very late update!

Our fanfiction is near its end, but donât worry Iâll make more KNB fanfictions so I hope that youâll support my incoming fanfics as well.

Disclaimer: I do not own KNB!

Here comes the next chapter!

Chapter Eighteen:

âQuit playing basketball.â Akashi cut in with cold tone.

He gasped and turned towards the red-head.


âStop playing basketball, Tetsuya. If you donât, youâll only bring burden to your team and might even cause their defeat. Quit basketball, you must know that it doesnât suit you from the first place.â Akashi, with commanding eyes and cold tone pointed out bluntly.

âIf you donât, youâll only bring burden to your team and might even cause their defeat.â


âI know from the very start that this sport doesnât suit me at all. I also know that Iâm just being a big burden to my team. And, I also know that I donât deserve playing in the court with such a weak body. I wanted to quit and stop playing basketball, but thereâs something that is stopping me. I wanted and thought about stopping playing this sports and become a normal student who doesnât have any club and someone whoâs just averageâ€Â¦Ã¢Â€ÂHe murmured. “But I just can’t quit. I don’t know the reason, but I don’t want to quit and stop playing basketball. Basketball is my life and I’ll risk my life as long we win without me being a burden and bringing defeat to my team.” He decided with trembling hands and clattering teeth.

Akashi sighed and shook his head in disbelief. “Do you love basketball that much, Tetsuya?”

The teal-haired teen nodded.

The red-head sighed then sat beside the phantom player and handed him a rectangular box. “Here.”

“What’s that?”

“A box with something inside it.” Akashi replied, sarcastically.

Kuroko made a face and accepted the box before opening it. “Sometimes, you’re sarcasm annoys me.”

“I know.”, was Akashi’s confident reply.

The blue-head sighed then looked at what’s inside of the box. There’s a for-guys-style necklace inside the box and its pendant is a red-colored tear-shape with small flower inside the solid pendant.

“My grandfather, the closest person to me –who is now dead--, gave me that, days before his death. It’s always with me, but I think you deserve it more.” The red-head explained. “Someday, I know, that thing will be able to help you.”

“Why are you giving me such an important thing?”  The blue-head stared at the red-colored tear-shaped pendant, captivated.

“Because I might spend my Christmas with my family, so I probably won’t have time to even greet you, what more of giving your present, so while running downstairs of our house--- I grabbed the box and went here.” Akashi replied. “Put it on.”

Kuroko nodded and put on the necklace before looking at the metal standing as pillar that could reflect his face. He looked at the new necklace and smiled. “It actually kind of suits me…” He murmured. “Thank you, Sei-kun.” The blue-head thanked and made a very very very rare smile towards that certain red-head infront of him.

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