He just chuckled, squirming under the pounds of weight and bookshelves above him. "I guess I can't, Avaley."

Okay. What now?

I turned around, heading for the door, my mind racing on what to do next, but Sean said:

"Do you really think that you've won, Avaley Camber?"

Ugh, I was sick and tired of him. 

I turned around and glared at him. "Yes, do, Sean Radke or whatever the hell your name is. I have won, because you are currently under a load of book cases that threw at you, and you have killed me but I'm still alive." I flashed him a smile. "So, yes, I've won. Bye bye."

Then he laughed. I wondered if he was just acting to slow me down. "You're so arrogant, Avaley. That's one thing I won't miss when you fall to your grave."

I snorted. "Sorry to disappoint you, buddy, but that won't be for a while."

Then something weird happened.

I felt a gust of wind behind me, and suddenly, I was thrown forward, onto the bookshelves that Sean was under. As I regained my balance, I realized Sean was gone and when I turned around, he was behind me. His eyes were wide and black, red veins pulsing underneath his skin, and he had mutated into some form that I had never seen before. He had black wings, spreading across the room, and yellow claws that curved towards me. 

I'll be darned. He really looked like a devil.

Well... technically he was the devil.

"What..." I said, taking a step back at his form. "I thought I... you..."

He laughed, a low, menacing growl that sent chills down my spine and sent rumbles through the ground. "I'm already dead, Avaley," he snarled. "You can't kill me."

"Then what do you want with me?" I pleaded, searching for a way out. He was too large. I'd have to fight hard to get past him.

"When someone dies, they get Chained. It's unfair for someone to get Unchained just because someone thinks you have a chance," Sean said, and swiped his large fist at me. I ducked, then threw myself back behind the bookshelves. Sean roared and bashed them away, leaving me vulnerable. "You can't stop me, Avaley," Sean cackled. "Not unless you're dead."

I'll be darned.

I wasn't dead, but I knew a few people who were dead.

I quickly jumped up, spreading my fresh wings and floated above Sean, my mind racing. He looked up at me and swiped his fist again, this time wrapping his fingers around me and squeezing hard. Tears sprang to my eyes as my body scrunched together and I cried out, "Then what happens if you kill me? Huh, big guy?" THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK THINK

"Then I move onto the next Unchained soul," Sean growled, clenching his fingers harder. 

Using my lack of powers, I forced a small table up against Sean's back. It splintered into smithereens, and Sean laughed at my pathetic attempts. "It's useless, Avaley," Sean snarled. "Just take the pain. Unless you're too overconfident in yourself."

What had the beautiful lady angel told me? Okay, so I was brought back to life and Unchained and stuff. But how could I defeat Sean? I wasn't dead, but I knew some people were dead... But how could they help me?

I screamed. When this was all over, I was taking a freaking trip to the Bahamas and forgetting humanity ever existed.

But not after I got rid of Sean.

And then it hit me.

Clear as day.

I screamed louder and using the ounce of power I had left, pulled the blade, the old blade, from my pocket. I brought it up, seeing it gleaming in front of Sean's gaze, and his eyes widened. Haha, now look who's talking?

I brought the blade down into his skin.

Goodbye, Sean Radke, or whoever the hell you are, I grinned wildly. Finally, this nightmare was over.

Sean laughed.


The blade hadn't even ripped through him. I banged it against his skin harder, but it didn't do anything. It wasn't working. The stupid blade wasn't working. "But... but..." I said, my mind racing again. I didn't get it... How come...

A gust of wind fell against my face. I turned to look, and David Pearson was looking back at me.

"Two can make the connection," he said, and wrapped his hands around mine and the blade. He squeezed hard. I just stared at him. Meanwhile, Sean, started to yell:

"That's impossible! David should be dead!!!!"

"Yeah, I agree," I said, looking at David. "What are you doing here?"

He just smiled at me. "Let's just say you're not the only person who's been Unchained."


I nodded. "Then let's get this Sean back to where he came from."

And together, we held up the blade high, and then brought it down.

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