Chapter Twelve

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I stirred in my sleep.

"Avaley, wake up."

I peeked open one eye and pulled my covers down. "Mom..." I groaned. "What time is it?"

"That doesn't matter." my mom said, pulling all my blankets off. "Where is Ryker?"

I sat up straight, suddenly remembering what happened last night. My killer headache. Going out for a stroll. Starting to see through things again. Gripping the pole so hard it fell. And I left finger dents. And Ryker...?

Of course. How stupid had I been? I hadn't even noticed I dropped his leash or something! I was too caught up in my own, stupid self. And now, Ryker was missing, and that was the price I had to pay. But I couldn't tell my mom this! She'd never believe me! But what else could I say?

"He's not sleeping somewhere?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes, trying not to let her see the tears beginning to seep their way out.

My mom sighed, rubbing her eyes as well. "No... Your dad has searched everywhere." she tilted her head and gave me a funny look. "You didn't go out last night, did you?"

"No," I replied way too quickly. I laughed it off. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, your father and I woke up last night to a really loud clank. I thought maybe Ryker knocked something down or you slammed a door or something." she paused and looked out my window. "Your dad is outside right now, looking..."

That clank. That was the pole that I so stupidly knocked over. And people had heard it. I hoped I got out in time.

"Well, do you want me to help him look?" I asked as I sat up and reached for my jacket, stil noticing I wasn't wearing my pajamas. I hoped my mom wouldn't notice.

"Actually," my mom replied, looking towards my school bag. Uhoh. "I was thinking that you should go to school today."

"Mom!" I cried. "The doctors said I shouldn't return to school for a few weeks!"

"But you're fine, honey," my mom said, ruffling my hair jokingly. "I mean, it is kind of boring, sitting around the house all day. And now that Ryker's missing, what if the house gets robbed or something?"

"Mom," I laughed. "If the house gets robbed, I'll hide behind that huge pile of clothes you've yet to start wearing."

She pinched my cheek and left the room, but deep inside I was frustrated as heck. Why did I have to go to school? I wanted to stay home ad investigate everything. And where was Ryker? What was going on with me? 

There were one too many questions to ask and few little answers. There was no way I could go to school today.

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