Chapter Fifty

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I ran.

Well, actually, when I hit the ground, I ran. But before I hit the ground, I used my wings.

I know, pretty cool, huh? For some reason, the wings were all that I noticed. I mean, I had the speed of running real quick, but the strength, vision and invisibility were beyond my reach right now. I couldn't summon those. But no worries - the wings would have to do now.

I burst through the doors of the book shop, desperately looking around for Kevin. I saw him sitting at the desk, and he was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Avaley, get out of here!" he cried. "Sean's - "

Too late. Something hit me from behind and I went falling forward, against the ground. I heard a grunt as Sean grabbed me and pulled me up, snarling in my ear, "It was wrong of you to come back, Avaley. You should have stayed dead." and he yelled and shoved me forward, and I quickly jumped up as he swung a blade at me. It was a new blade, I could see, and as Sean moved it, sparks of fire went flying from it. I knew I was in trouble.

I scrambled back to Kevin, who I realized was strapped to his chair, strangely. "Get out of here!" I cried, when a burst of fire flew over my head and exploded the desk where Kevin was sitting.

"Ha!" Sean screamed from behind me. "Your guardian angel is dead!"

"NOOO!" I screamed, and then suddenly, Kevin was in front of me, smiling happily. "Huh?" I said.

"Don't mind me," he said. "Behind you." and then with a loud yell, that same blade, flames and all, went tumbling over my head as I ducked and Sean stumbled forward, Kevin disappearing. What? Was he dead or something? What just happened?

I started to run to the door, but suddenly they slammed shut, and I turned around to see Sean holding a hand out. He grinned, wiping some blood off of his lip. "Where do you think you're going, Avaley?" he said. 

"Back to the normal world," I said, and holding up my hand and praying my ability to levitate objects was intact, pulled the nearest bookshelf I could find and hurled it at Sean.

It. Felt. AMAZING.

Sean screamed as the bookshelf collided with him. I stared at my hands in awe at the fact that my powers felt strangely... More powerful. This was amazing. It was energy and adrenaline pumping through my veins, and it felt like nothing could stop it. I was invinsible. This was the greatest I'd ever felt.

I felt strong.

I felt unbeatable.

I felt unstoppable.

And most of all...

I felt alive.

I took a step towards Sean, who was moving slowly under the shelf. I heard him cough and I saw the blade shimmering with waves of fire underneath the shelf. 

"What's wrong, Sean?" I sneered. "Can't take a little hit?" And with that, not even lifting up my hands, I felt another shelf falling from its place and crashing on top of Sean. Lovely.

"Arghhh!!" Sean roared. He managed to lift one hand from the rubble and pointed it at me. Through his bloody lips, he grinned and said, "I can take a little bit more than this, Avaley."

Behind you!!! Something screamed in my mind. I quickly whirled around and bounced out of the way as a bookshelf came tumbling down. Had Sean just thrown that at me? And I somehow dodged? Because a measly thought in my mind told me to? Really? I was that strong?


Heck... this was cool. I liked it! THIS WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!

"Ha!" I cried, pointing at Sean and raising my hands in the air. Power surged through me. My wings fully spread, the air around me spinning with my abilities, I felt stronger than ever. I was alive, free, strong, and nothing could stop me. Not even Sean. "Looks like you can't take as much as you thought."

Unchainedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें