Chapter Thirty Nine

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I woke up.

I blinked rapidly, because I suddenly realized I was crying. I got a good look at my surroundings and frowned - I was in the forest. In the dark. At night. And dang, it was cold. Oh yeah, and Sean tried to kill me and I turned invisible and David tried to help me and then that strange dagger blade thing, it kind of... exploded?

Sort of.

And then I saw David.

I shrieked, very loudly.

He was leaning against another tree, staring straight at me. I screamed again and backed up, tripping over this stupid dress stupid Sean got me to wear to take me to that stupid prom all so he could stupidly try to murder me (yeah, long run on sentence!)!!!!!!!

"Avaley, tone it down a bit," he said quietly, his voice harsh. I shut up, my heart galloping in my chest.

"Sorry," I breathed out. "You... You just scared the living bajeebies out of me, David."

He laughed. "Sorry. I do that a lot to girls, that's why I'm still single."

Ah, what a pun. If only I could make up jokes like that. Eh... "Um, where's Sean?" I asked. I knew if I crowded him with all the questions swirling through my mind, chances are he wouldn't answer.

David pointed behind him and I stood up, falling against a tree as I realized Sean was laying against his car, his arms and legs bounded with what seemed like that same restraint that he tied me up in and I couldn't seem to use my powers with those on... 

"Is he... Dead?" I asked. Would I be sad if he was dead? I mean, I liked him and all, but now? Looking at him sent chills down my spine. Who knew that handsome dude could be so kind to me after all this time and still end up killing me in the end? Or at least, trying to. Haha, I was able to get away. Whee...

I wondered why I was in such a weird mood. Well, I was kind of dizzy, so that might explain some stuff. Heehee... Dizzy... Probably because Sean tried to kill me... Heehee... Whee...

I guess I started to fall forward or something, because David stepped out and grabbed me in his arms. He let out a breath. "Avaley, I don't think you're feeling too well," he said. "I just called for help so we'll wait around for a bit."

I shoved my face into his shoulder. "You smell nice," I breathed. Remember, kids, I wasn't exactly feeling normal. In fact, I felt coocoo and my mindset was way off the charts. So relax, I wasn't drunk or anything... 

Actually, that sounds about right. I was drunk off of the terror that one of my best friends, whom I trusted with my life, tried to kill me. Put that in your perspective.

"What is that? Lavender?" I asked loudly, sniffing his shoulder. "No, it smells like... Like... Ahh..." David sat me down and leaned in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders and stared at me.

"Avaley, listen to me. I think you hit your head too hard or something. When help arrives, don't tell them about the blade, all right?"

I just focused on that dang beautiful face. He seemed to cute to be human. Or alive, for that matter. Maybe he was an angel. Angel? What the heck was an angel? Angels were too girly. David was all buff and manly... He was probably a... a... Um... A mangel. Yeah, I like the sound of that. Mangel. Mangel. David? David? Sean? What?

I blinked. "Huh?"

"Snap out of it, Avaley," he said harshly. "Just tell them that Sean took you out here or something. You're clever, make something up." Aw, he called me clever. I wondered if he likes me. I like him. He's soooooo cute. I wish I could just pucker my lips and... "Are you even listeing to me?"

"Guh," I said. My vision swarmed with dizziness. I'd never felt this way before. Well, David was making me feel better. Dang, he was so cute.

"Okay, fine. Just do this: don't tell them about the blade. Don't say anything about it. Don't even mention the fact that Sean had a gun, okay, Avaley? Just say he tried to strangle you and kill you."

Huh? Sean tried to kill me? What kind of friend was he? Creeper.

"Avaley, can you repeat that for me?" David was panting hard, like he was out of breath. Or panicked. Or something. It was cute. I'd like to see him panting like that in another way - 

"Avaley!" he cried angrily and squeezed my shoulders. "C'mon, repeat that for me!"


"Don't tell them about the blade, Sean tried to kill me," I said quickly, shaking the dizziness away. I looked around. Uh, where was I? 

"Are you okay?" David said, loosening his grip on my shoulders. "Your eyes are starting to clear up a bit."

"I'm... okay," I said, shaking my head again. "I just felt sorta... off."

He laughed. "Well, since you never comment on how I smell, we can assume you were kind of not normal." he smiled, and my heart swooned. 

"Where's Sean?" I asked, looking around. I saw his body against the car. "He's... Oh, I see."

"Yeah," David said. Suddenly he looked down at my dress then at his hands and he leaned back, sitting on his butt. "Sorry, that was probably awkward."

"What?" I said. "You holding me? No it wasn't." Okay, now I was kind of throwing myself onto him, but that didn't really matter. I heard a siren wail in the distance. "Is help coming?"

"Yup," he said. "Okay, Avaley, you know what to tell them, right?"

"That Sean tried to strangle me. Don't say anything about the blade," I told him and he smiled.

"Awesome." he stood up and brushed off his hands. "I'm just gonna make sure everything's set. You just sit there and look pretty." he gave me one last smile and took off running down into the trees.

Everything's all set? What was this, a play? Oh well. At least David and I got a little bit more intimate than we usually did.

I stood up and wandered over to Sean, a bit reluctant that he would look up at me and growl or something, like an animal. But as I approached his smashed car, I realized his eyes were closed and his head was against the car and he looked like he was out cold. He had a dried up bloody nose, and besides from that, he still looked incredibly good looking. But then I remembered that he tried to kill me - 

Suddenly Sean moved, scaring me so much I screamed, but quickly clamed my hand over my mouth. I realized Sean was sitting up straight and staring right at me.

I froze.

His eyes were completely black.

"Avaley?" I heard David call, and after a few crunchy footsteps, David had an arm around me and was pointing that same strange blade at Sean. Only this time, there was a cloth wrapped around it. Around the handle, that is. All I saw was the nose of the blade, the tip of it brimming in the night sky. "What'd you say to her?" he barked angrily at Sean, in a strange new voice I had never heard before.

Sean, with his completely black eyes, just stared right at me. I tried to look away, to get this scarring image from my mind but I couldn't. I was transfixed by him.

"Avaley," David whispered and shook me a bit. "Go sit behind a tree over there and wait for me. Help is coming soon." I didn't budge. "Avaley, please.''

"Give me the blade," I found myself reply.

And strangely, David handed it to me. He placed it into my palms, its heavyness weighing down on me as I took a step forward, towards a tree, but I couldn't help but stare at it. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time, and yet, it felt like it belonged in my hands.

I guess I was a bit too transfixed with the blade because the next thing I knew, a loud siren wailed in my ears and blaring red and blue lights screamed into my eyes.

"Stop! Drop your weapon and put your hands in the air!" a loud voice yelled. 

Help had arrived.

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