Chapter Thirty Four

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"It's going to be a change," my dad said reassuringly. "You don't need to worry at all, Avaley."

"In just a few months, things will be back to normal," my mom added.  "You can forget about all of this."

"But why now?" I asked. "Why of all times now, when I was least expecting it?"

My mom and dad exchanged mutual glances, but I saw hatred ignite in their tired eyes. My mom sighed. "Avaley, we're truly sorry, but we are not separating because of you, sweetie. It's just that..." she looked at my dad again. "Your father and I need this divorce. And we don't want you to be in the middle of it, especially with school and everything."

"You'll be staying with Sean for a little bit," my dad said and my heart sped up. "We've already talked with his parents, and they're all alright with it, as long as you're okay, Avaley."

I just stared at both of them. Were they crazy? First off, the divorce itself was pretty bad. But sending me away so they could "sort things out?" Really? They wanted to throw me out? Well, it wouldn't be that bad, since I'd be staying with Sean, which was...

"For how long?" I asked sadly.

I saw relief flood across their faces. "Maybe a few months," my dad said.

"A few months?" I cried.

"But we'll come and visit you, we won't abandon you, Avaley." my mom said. "We promise to try and make this as not painful as we can." I saw my dad glare at her but she just stared at me. "And hopefully after this is all over, I'll have custody."

That blew my dad off.

"You don't have to tell her your wishes in front of me!" he roared, standing up. "And let's not even discuss custody for now!"

My mom scoffed. "It's not a wish, why would the state want her to stay with you?"

"I'm not the one who's having affairs."

They exchanged glances of hatred before they both looked at me.

"Where are you, anyway?" my mom asked me. 

"At the library," I replied. "I'm borrowing David's laptop. He let me download Skype so I could talk to you guys."

"Well, come home soon," my dad said angrily, folding his arms. "If you get home before dinner, maybe your mom won't go clubbing so early." My mom shot a look at him and they exploded into yelling, and I slammed the laptop angrily. I pulled the earbuds out of my ears and leaned back in my chair, sighing. David looked up from his phone.

"Everything okay?" he asked. I shook my head. "Well, do you want to head out?" he asked.

I nodded. Did I ever.

We made sure to run up to the outskirts of the city and fly around there. Ever since I told David about the sighting of me in the sky, we were extra careful with things. I told David that I'd be staying with Sean and he kind of turned quiet.

"Do you like Sean?" I asked him, reaching up and running my hand through a wisp of cloud.

"He's all right," David replied quietly.

"He's a perfectly good guy, if that's what you're afraid of," I told him.

"It's not that," David said. "I know Sean's a great guy and all, it's just that..." his voice trailed off.

"What?" I asked. "David, what?"

David suddenly pulled himself closer to me, a little bit too close it reminded me of the little kiss we shared before Mr. Hauge's that one, dreamy, delightful day. "It's just that when I see you two together..." he murmured.

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