I got tagged!!! 13 Facts Challenge

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So I got tagged by @maybeitsdella   to do the 13 facts challenge. I did one of these recently - it wasn't a challenge but I was just giving some facts about myself. So I guess I'm doing it again!😉. But I promise I'll do different ones and be more to the point as in the previous one I kinda went on and on and on.   

1. I suck at this

2. Everyone says I'm really annoying (I am😜)

3. When someone else vomits or farts or something gross like that, it just automatically makes me want to vomit too. 

4. Why do so many people hate on Snape? He was GREAT!! And oh my god when he died, I was soooooo sad!!! 😭😭

5. I make timetables, am proud of myself for trying to be organised, and then fail to even get past the first thing. 

6. My parents are both from Pakistan but I was born in the UK. 

7. I would like to have a favourite movie but I just CANNOT pick. 

8. I used to go to a regular after school gymnastics club all throughout my primary years but now I'm like the most inflexible person ever.  

9. I think I've always loved reading. Apparently, even when I was really little - my mum says. 

10. My favourite colour has always been blue but now I'm considering again.

11. You know when there's a cringy bit in a book? I always cringe too. Sometimes, I even have to close the book and just, you know, take a minute. 😅

12. I am always doing my homework either the night before it's due or on the day at break/lunch 😅!!! Sometimes even in the lesson. 

13. I chew gum in lessons. Is that bad? I got caught once. Shhhh! Don't tell my teachers. 😏

Ok, so I was just tryna think on the spot there. And it still took me kinda long. 

I tag: 






Sorry, I kinda don't know anyone. Thanks!!!


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