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"Hey!" Hana shouted from down the hall

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"Hey!" Hana shouted from down the hall. "I sent a howler to my mom a week ago! Do you remember the kid I was talking about? The one I met at the park?"

"When you were five?" Jimin asked as he caught up with her.

"Yeah," she answered. She reached into the band of her skirt where she was keeping the photo. "It's pretty old. My mom found it in the storage room at our house."

Jimin held the old and dusty photo to his face and squinted to get a good look at the boy. "I can barely see him... His face is covered by a hat and the photo is too wrinkled."

"Okay, whatever, but that's the boy I liked when I was five. Are you done looking at it?" Hana asked impatiently.

Jimin handed her the photo. "Yeah, he looks pretty chubby. Is that what type of guys you're into?"

"You just called yourself chubby," she said with a smile.

"Don't use my words against me, Hana! Come back here! Hana!"

"Come on! Hurry up, we're going to be late to class!"

Throughout the the class, all Jimin could think of was the fisherman hat that the boy in the photo had. He had the same hat as the boy.

"That kid had good taste," Jimin muttered.

"What kid had good taste?" Hana asked as she sat next to him at the Gryffindor lunch table.

"The one you dated when you were five."

"I didn't... Okay, whatever, you're saying that a little kid had good taste? His mom probably dressed him." Hana let out a snort. "I would always pick out random clothing for myself and it had to have butterflies on it or I wouldn't go outside."

"I was obsessed with the ocean. I loved fishing and eating fish. My dad and I would always go fishing every weekend and come back smelling like shit. My mom got mad at both of us a lot because she'd have to wash our clothes three times to get the smell away." Jimin chuckled to himself at his childhood memories.

"Couldn't she have used magic?" Hana asked.

"We had muggles living with us at that time. I used to live in a shared apartment with muggles when I was younger. I moved away and started living in the wizarding world though."

Jimin started telling her his life story and Hana was pleasantly enjoying it. She never heard Jimin talk about his childhood. He usually talked about grades or how mean she was.

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