Chapter 2

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Beginning of the 2 new chapters that I promised you today starting NOW!!!!!

~Victoria .-.


Kellin's POV ~time jump 4 years~

I had expected to wake up to giggly noises coming from my little daughter. My reality was four simultaneous groans coming from my hungover bandmates. Some people just can't stop getting drunk.

I groan as I get up, quickly realizing that I don't live with Katelynne and Copeland anymore. After the divorce, I was kicked to the curb by Kate, only allowed to see Cope every other weekend.

A knock at my door gets me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Kellbell," Justin speaks through the door, "you up? We leave in an hour for the Collide With The Sky tour."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm up." I call to the closed door.

Standing up from the bed, I slump to the dresser to grab the clothes I hadn't stuffed in my suitcase. Quietly opening the door, I step out and across the hall to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After finishing, I dry off my petite body off, letting my hair naturally dry. Pulling on my clothes, I stuff a beanie over my wet hair and exit the bathroom. Walking back to the room, I check the time on my phone to see that I had only taken ten minutes. Jamming my grey TOMs on my feet, I grab my phone, charger, and earbuds. Checking to see if I had left anything behind, I slump out of the room and to the living room.

All four of my bandmates were sitting around, obviously waiting for me (that was not meant in a cocky way). Jesse was playing a random game on his phone, Justin was chatting up a storm with Gabe, and Jack (our new guitarist after Brandon's departure) was just about to fall asleep again. Once I walk in, everyone mutters a 'finally' before getting up. We all grab our things before walking out of the door. Since the apartment we slept in is Justin's, he locks the door before following the rest of us to the bus.

Since I'm the first one on, I'm quick to call a bottom bunk (I learnt my lesson when I called the top bunk during our first Warped). Jesse, Jack, and Gabe call the other three bottom bunks, leaving poor Justin with the infamous top bunk.

"Ugh," Justin whines, "Why do I get the goddang top bunk?"

"Because you were last on the bus. Deal with it." Jesse snaps. All the guys mumble in agreement before choosing to sleep off their hangovers.

Since I'm the only one not getting affected by a hangover or sleepy in the least, I just grab a Monster and settle down on the couch.

Just as I crack open my can, my phone buzzes in my back pocket, warning me of a text message. Fishing it out, I see a text from my best friend, Vic Fuentes.

((A/N: Bold is Vic, italics is Kellin.))

Viktur;): Hey, r u guys on the road?

Kells<3: Yeah, we actually just left.

Viktur;): Cool, so whatchu doin?

Kells<3: Bein' bored -_- Everyone has a hangover 'cept me :)

Viktur;): Same here. The guys r just sleepin' it off ova here.

Kells<3: Same here. We've got alcoholic bands o.o

Viktur;): Not really alcoholic tbh ('cept Mike mayb). They just overdrink when they do drink.

Kells<3: True

Viktur;): I can't wait 2 c u @ the venue :D

My heart flutters (for reasons unknown) at that. Kellin, you are straight. He is straight. You are just friends.

Kells<3: Can't wait 2 c u either :)

Viktur;): Cool. Well, I'll c u later.

Kells<3: Yeah, u 2. Bye :)

Viktur;): Bye c:

My heart still felt all fuzzy from Vic saying that he couldn't wait to see me. He meant that as friends, right?

Kellin, you are straight. He is straight. You are just friends.

Caraphernelia ((Kellic))Where stories live. Discover now