Different Ways

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You know that saying "Villains don't get happily ever after" well turns out it's true.










Now I bet some of you are wondering what on earth I was talking about. Well, you know how JJ and I got interrupted once again? Turns out that was last time we'd ever get interrupted again. Not because we killed the fool but because that boss lady is a right ol' bitch.

Why you say? Well let me walk you down, shall I?

A Few Minutes Earlier

"Boss we have a problem." yelled one of JJ Rockies that really needed to be tossed off. If you have a problem, fix it.

Um... forget what I said. I don't think this fool is.... enough to fix this problem. That Amanda bitch really is a bitch. Sending a bloody missile in front of our helicopter. I just got him back and they want to take him away for me. You can't do that. It's not fair. Everyone gets a happy ending why can't I. I don't deserve this. It's not fair.

I didn't notice that my grip on JJ hands had tightened or that tears were trying to escape my eyes. My eyes were trapped on the burning furnace that was in front of us. I was going to lose him again.

I can't go through this again. I can't have him die on me again. Not knowing when we're going to meet again. Having all memories of me not exist. I can-

"This bird is baked"

Snapping out of my trance, I looked up at him. I could see the bolt and screws turning in his head trying to find a way out of this that keep us safe. His men were a lost cause by now. Plus they've already served their purpose and there was still a chance that they would live but it was unlikely.

"Okay, Darling. It's You and Me"

Oh, how I believed him. Why would I? I was FINALLY getting everything that I had ever dreamt of since I got my powers. How Stupid was I? As if that was going to happen.

We were getting ready to jump out of the helicopter when the...the..the STUPID thing decided to jerk around sending us in different directions. It sent me flying out and him in. My wings not coming out fast enough to save him.

I felt all oxygen leave my body as a watched the helicopter explode. I have left an empty shell. All hope, all my dreams, all of my will to leave. Gone. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do anything. I was useless watching the love of my life, Burn.

That idiot why couldn't he have stood where I did, why does he have to be -... why couldn't he be-.....why didn't he-.....

Why us?

I was sitting on top of a cop car when it started to rain. I looked up at the black skies and let it wash away my tears. The image of the helicopter tattooed into my mind like the "J" that was on my chest. It would leave no matter how hard I tried to forget that it had just happened. No matter how hard I wished I couldn't change the fact that it was him and not me.

I wiped the tears and rain from my face, but it didn't stop either from falling. So I used my arms to cover my eyes before Resting my head on the windscreen. Hearing a loud sound I removed my arms from my face and watched as yet another helicopter was brought down. This time by a long black extension with flaming red lines going up it. It wrapped itself around the propellers.

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