A Caged Bird

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  A bird in a cage.

That's what I am. A bird in a 30m high cage. Waiting to be judged by people. Oh, the irony. I want to say that it could be worst but I can't. It's too bright to hide, too low to fly and I can feel the electricity in the metal rods.

Also, the amazing Harleen Quinzel is in a similar cage to mine.

The only enjoyable thing about this dreadful place is the fact that the "guards" are so easy to manipulate. But even that, gets boring. Now all I have to do is smile at these guys and I have them wrapped around my finger. Wish I had a challenge but no, I just have these sad losers, who probably spend most of their sober hours here or trying to find a way for Harley and me to find them attractive.

Not gonna happen fellas.

On that note, I wonder what J's doing right now. He must have killed that guard that forgot to lock the door. It's his fault that I'm here.

If he had locked the fifty different locks have at all our hotels, then we wouldn't have been gases and the dunderheads wouldn't have only enough time to get j and themselves out.

Damn you. You Fucking bat. Doesn't want anyone to be happy, does he?

That's what all these CSI people don't understand. Half of them hate their jobs. They're more caged than I am.

Anyways right now, I'm suspended off a bed sheet that's hanging off the roof of my home of 3 months watching Harley do her little circus routine. Whiling singing to the act.

You don't tell me what to do

She obviously can't think of anything else to do causes she's copying what I did yesterday.

You don't tell me what to say.

Click. Someone's coming. They're really close now.

Don't put me on display

And there he is. The man of the hour. Looks like he's gonna talk to us, let's see what's this's about. "Ye gonna come down here or what?"

Being the flirty people we are we gave him a sultry look, biting our looking, looking him up and down. It a daily routine for us by now. We swung down giggling as we went. Him, being oh so encouraging. Once we got down we held on to our respective bars looking at him as he told us off.
"These Bars?" Harley whispered as I licked the bars. Slowly. Watching as his eyes followed the direction of my tongue.

Harley started laughing after watching his reaction to my little show. Not knowing why (causes he's too stupid to realise) thought just thought she was just laughing at nothing. So he told her how crazy she was. She didn't really care. I could see the different ways that she was killing him in her head. Like I said she's amusing

She wanted to kill him and quick. She made that clear when she asked him to "play" with her because " she's bored". Oh, honey, I thought I taught you better. He wasn't gonna anyways after all 15 of his men were in the hospital because of us. It was split 1:2 you can do the math if you want to.

"I sleep where I want, when I want, with who I want" 

Oh, look who's getting sassy. She is not happy with the ass. He probably not making it any better for himself by laughing at her. He turned around to one of the guys who followed him in. I quickly move my hands on the bars but Harley just glares at him as he sends the demand. Off she went flying into the centre of her cage but does she back down. Nope. She runs straight into her bars, just to be knocked out cold.

He ( i should learn his name) starts laughing at the sad lump that is Harley. Oh, how I wish someone would just slash his throat so I wouldn't have to hear another sound of his disgusting mouth.

Once he was done laughing he made his way over to me. He stood in front of me. Reaching out, I stocked his face pulling closer to the bars, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. He was in such a trance that he didn't notice everyone calling his name. He only snapped out of it when they ( the little nuisance) pulled him back. Shaking his head, he looked back at me pouting my full lips. He walked out slowly wondering what happened.

Like I said. Easy

The rest of them stood still for a while before leaving. To which I waved them off with the bird while a fiery furnace burned above my head

See ya Bitches

Harley didn't wake up until the sun went down and our lights went up. Something was going to happen and it was going to happen very soon. I might just have ruined my surprise but it doesn't matter, after all, I still don't know what it is. I just know that it's going to happen and that is going to be spectacular. Or spectacularly funny. Or both. But then again I'm just a Caged bird.

All we ever do it dream of our freedom. Huh, maybe that's what I'm doing. It is better to not be hero work tho. I hate hero work. It's boring. And don't forget lame.

I'm a villain.
I turn good people bad and bad people worse.
I've ruined lives as well as homes.
Do I care? Not a chance.
Do I deserve to be in a cage? Maybe but that depends on who you ask. People see Life differently.

And I choose to do things my way. It is the best way after all.
Ha ha haha hahaha.  

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