I'm such a Hera

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Anyways after that whole prodigal son thing, Deadshot apologized - he doesn't want to die - and Harley Quinn, oh Harley Quinn. She didn't actually do anything annoying. She kinda just kisses Flamehead. But she's Harley can I can quite honestly SEE all the thoughts going through her head right now. And let me tell you not one. NOT ONE. Of them are pleasant. I'm cringing right now. I can't believe that she use to be a therapist. she got really fucked up

You know what else I cant understand, they rant every single time that JJ and I destroyed a wall but when they do it's perfectly all right. Secondly, why would they choose here to break here? I mean we still have like 10 more flights of stairs to climb up. I just wanna get out of here. Didn't is so boring. Do I look like an active climbing person? Ahhhhh. I hate this.

On the plus side, Harley's thoughts have cooled down. Probably because her legs are burning too. She's just staring down at the floor. clearly thinking about when she decided to fall into that boiling pot of acid. The same boiling pot of acid that JJ fall into.

that's right she found it like the creepy stalker she is. But don't listen to her, we totally didn't let her fall without helping her.


Well, well, well who do we have here. Dr Quinzel. I wonder how she found our spot. After all, this place does hold such special memories. This is where everything truly began. Smirking, I walked up to her. I could taste the resentment and fear she had. Tilting my head, I twisted her hair in between my fingers. her eyes start watering as if I'm going to kill her right this minute. Through a strand of her hair. I'm good but I ain't that good.

Jared walked up behind me and put his hand on my waist. Since I'm such an amazing person, I lean back into him, loving the look on the doctor's face. Just to shove a little more salt on her wound, I kissed Jared in front of her. Knowing exactly what I was doing, Jared kisses me right back and forcing Harley to watch.

Stopping, I turn my head back to look at her. tears were falling out of her eyes and her lips quivering. I almost felt bad for here. luckily for me, I remembered that she tried to steal him for me. Right in front of me. So she deserves it. Eye for an eye. Kissing my neck, Jared walked around me to get to Harley

He looked at her and lady back at me, winking, before starting his sexual assault. He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to say that. You can blame me.

Harley had her back to us after the display of love that broke her heart. Clearly, no one told her not to fall in love with a taken man. Anyways JJ throws his head into the air before asking his ex-doctor a series of questions. Like

"would you die for me?" and "would you live for me?"

She didn't think too much about anything that Jared said. Saying "yes" over and over again. She's just starstruck at his eyes. My turn

"Careful." I said sliding beside them " Do not say this oath thoughtlessly" Jared placed his smiling mouth tattooed hand over her mouth before saying "Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power. Do you want this?"

I'm not sure if any of you actually want to know what her face looked like right now. it's not exactly PG-13. If you know what I mean. She said, "I do". this ain't no wedding princess.

"Say it, Say it, say it, pretty pretty pretty.." "Please"

"Aw you're so good, so cute," I said turning her attention back to me. "but not enough"

Flashback over.

We told her not too, but she was very stubborn. According to her, she wanted to be just like JJ. Or....Mr. J. I'm such a bitter jealous girlfriend. I should have killed her when I met her. That would have made my life a whole lot easier. Sadly I'm just a Hera girl. Not that Jared's a Zeus but....... where am I going with this? I don't know.

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