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I was sitting on the ground in my glorious cage. That all ended when like 50 guards came in and attacked me and Harley. How rude. Harley quickly put her hands up in the air and got on her knees to show that she meant to harm. I followed her actions getting on the floor moments before they got to me. "We're cooperating, OK," I said from my spot. I looked over at Harley with the corner of my eye and nodded my head in the slightest way. Making sure that the knuckleheads couldn't see but she could.

1......2.......3 On sync we attacked our attackers. I back-hand sprung form where I was and landed on one of the guards' shoulders and twisted his neck. Before he dropped I jumped onto the next. I got at least 5 guards and was out of my cage before they got me. Tasers. Never liked them. That shit hurts like a bitch. I'd know.

I was forced in a wheelchair and was strapped at my waist, my hands and my knees. One of the guards went to strap me by my tat tats " whoa whoa whoa hold it buddy watch those hands " I said shaking my head as if disappointed in him. He went bright red when he realized where his hands where, but it went down quicker than I liked and the boring static look was back on his face. With a pout on my lips I looked around me. 1..2..3..4..5..6. 6 Guards for little ol' me. Aren't I special.

Down the hall, we go and let me tell you. They did me a solid putting me in that cage. At least I saw other colours than just dirt. This..this is disgusting, I miss my cage now. I kinda wanna go back to where they taunted me with the sky. We entered a dark room filled with men and women pretending to be doctors or scientist. They watched as me and Harley where pushed in. Harley's off her rockets right now, saying hello to the "lifesavers" as if they were going to reply to her. I on the other hand, watched as they watched us. I locked eyes with one of the younger doctors and tilted my head. It didn't take a genius or any one with a degree to know what he was thinking. 6 guards, 1 girl innocent looking girl what could she possibly have done to be put here.

Taking advantage of his innocence, I flashed him a small smile getting one in return. I moved my eyes to see one of the doctors inject Harley with something. Looking panicked, I ruched to find him again. Tears filled my eyes as I looked between the needle and him. Fear coated my entire body and I tried my best to sink into my chair edging away form the doctor/scientist people. I locked eyes with him again as tears escaped my eyes. Guilt filled his face and he reached for my hand to provide some comfort.

Soon it was my turn and looked at him one more time. " Please" I whispered. As soon as that came out of my mouth, he sprung into action. He knocked the needle out of his coworkers hands and put his body in between me and them . However, he was weak against the guards that circle around me. They forced him onto the floor in less than a minute. No matter how hard he struggled, they still had a better grip on him than he'd ever had on his life.

Seeing that my acting was fruitless, I turned to the doctor people with a look of pure disgust on my face. The one on the floor, looked shocked that I could ever make a face like that. Idiot should have looked at my file before trying to help me. He definitely wouldn't have tried then no one would have. With a frown in my face I rolled my eyes. I took matters into my own hands and tried to bounce the wheelchair away form the table with the needles and the people handling them. I didn't get far before one of them pulled me back, grabbed my face and plunged the needle into the bottom of my jaw. I shout all kinds of words in all the languages that I spook. None of which I think that you should ever repeat to your gran. I continued out of the building.

Now I'm not sure if you remember the guard that was entranced by Harley and I. The one with the brown hair and the eyes. Ya him anyways he walked beside me. He told all the other guards to leave while he talked to me. And since he's the top dog in this place, they listened. "Look you're being transferred..I..I don't know where you're going. It's form Mr.J" he passed me a phone that I quickly tucked under my sleeve " you gonna tell him I took care of you and Harley" Looking at him, I started laughing at him " You're so screwed" and I continued laughing.

After awhile, we reached whatever desert escape place they wanted us to reach. Theres like 5 other people with Harley and I but i don't remember when they got here. Anyways being strapped in, really does things to your neck and the rest of your body. Once they removed all of the straps, I jumped up, knocking the poor guy who had just finished taking off my straps onto the floor and stretched my aching muscles out. I wasn't nearly finished when Harley went and attacked me into a hug. Hugging her back, I observed my surroundings before giving everyone a flirty smile " hello boys Lexa and this here is Harley Quinn how do you do?" They didn't say anything but to be honest they didn't have much time before this guy came in and I zoned out.

I know he said something important about nano grenades and his name being Ric but that's all I remember. However I know that if i "vex" him I die. Pretty dramatic if you ask me. However i did catch the last part. He said and I quote " You're going somewhere very bad to do something that will get you killed " . Now i quite enjoy life and don't wanna die anytime soon so...

Rolling my eyes at the conversation he was having with one of my dark-skinned fellow villain about pep-talks I walked over to Harley who had been pouting since he gave out to her. I tilted her head so that she was looking at me and broke down all of her mental blocks causing her to laugh again. Getting up she ran to her suitcase and opened it with a yell of joy. Reaching in her pulled out the black and red jester jumpsuit that me and JJ got her. Rolling my eyes at her I walked over to mine. Opening it, I pulled out my skin tight dark blue catsuit and the necklace that JJ bought me. Putting on the necklace I push the necklace aside and found a blood red corset and dark green leather skirt along with a black leather jacket. I put them on right there knowing fully well that everyone had stopped doing whatever they where doing with their boring lives to watch.

Lifting up my head, I looked around at all of them and tilted my head to the side. Once they walked away I loved and Kneeled down to get my guns. Giving them a kiss I looked behind me at everyone else before turning around with a smirk on my face. Things are going to get interesting.

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