Chapter 19....

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(Ambers p.o.v)

  He hugged me tighter and held me closer to him, we were like that for what felt like forever. I could hear his heart beating like a drum as he held me there. My tears soaked into his black shirt as he started to hum to calm me down. It was my favorite tune, moonlight sonata, I danced to this song when I took ballet or when it came on Spotify (again not sponsored ). He soon let go of me and looked at me "come on let's go grab something to eat before the show tonight then I'll take you on a fun trip tonight" he said was he grabbed my hand. 

 I nodded my head as a yes as he took my hand while walking off the stage. I cleaned my face up a bit as we looked for a place to eat "fancy or fast food" he asked me "uhh fast food". He smiled when I said that and we walked over to a McDonald's. We ordered our food then sat down in a booth near the back. 

 As we ate he started to goof around and make me laugh. I was having a fun time until I heard a group of fan girls walk into the place and see ville. They all rushed over and I ended up with soda on me from one dropping it on my head. Ville didn't looked so happy or pleased to see them yet they still bothered us. "Ladies please stop it you've spilled a drink on my girlfriend and yet you've still acted like this now please if you excuse us we will be going, come on Amber" he said grabbing me and walking out of the McDonald's. I cleaned some of the soda off my face and tried to dry my hair "now I'll be a sticky mess also I didn't say I was your girlfriend again" I smirked. He smiled back at me "well you will be soon". 

Ville started to get ready when we got back to the stage while I ran home to get changed into nonwet clothes. While I was heading back I got a call from ville "hello" "hey Amber uh could you hurry back quick the show is starting in 5 minutes and I'd like to get a good luck kiss" I smiled and rolled my eyes "yes I'll be there soon". He hung up and I was still smiling until when I turned the corner I heard a bang then It went all black.

(Medics p.o.v)

 We got a call from someone about a bad car crash 6 miles away from my ambulance. We pulled up to the crash and one car was flipped over while the other one was smashed on one side. I ran over to the flipped over car to see a woman unconscious in the driver seat. I pulled her out of her car and checked for her pulse and she was still breathing but could see her bleeding from the arm, chest and leg from glass shards. We pulled her into the back of ambulance as she started to wake up from being unconscious. 

 She looked around the age of 25 with black and blue hair, we looked for where the blood was coming from and saw a shard of glass in her chest along with a broken leg and glass in her arm. We got to the hospital and wheeled her in then she woke up "what happened " she asked looking around but we didn't answer her just told her to be quiet.

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