Chapter 11...

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(Ambers p.o.v) 

  We walked into the place and it was fucking gorgeous! The walls were different shades of gray and black with a pearl white trim with pretty furniture "Ville it's gorgeous" I said and he smiled "for a gorgeous woman". I rolled my eyes "I'm not gorgeous" he stopped walking and looked at me "darling don't say that to me please cause I think different". I nodded and we walked upstairs and he opened a door "here is the master sweet" he said putting my bags down. I looked around and there was a huge walk in closet that had some of  villes clothes hung up and a pretty black dress " I got you something little for a welcome gift, do you like it love" he asked and I smiled " I love it but you didn't have to spend money on me " I told him and he smiled "but I love to". I sat on the bed and Ville wrapped his arms around me.

  " I missed you so much" Ville said kissing my neck. I smiled "I missed you too but I'm also tired" I said laughing a bit "ok you can sleep after I kiss you for a little" he smiled and kissed my lips even more. I layed down after a few min and he layed next to me, he brushed some of my hair behind my hair and whispered "no one will love you the way I do" ( I love that song too much lol) i smiled and started to fall asleep in his arms. 

 I woke up and saw a passed out Ville next to me, I kissed him on his lips and his eyes opened a bit. He smiled at me "morning darling" he said hugging me and I hugged him back. I soon sat up and saw it was night time "Ville we slept in and now it's.....3 am and I can't sleep" I whined. I heard him laugh a bit and pull me down "then lay with me and you'll fall asleep in my arms" he said in my ear. I layed down next to him and I felt sleepy again then passed out in his arms. 

Concerts (Ville valo x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora