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Darkness gaped into the house as the room fell silent. With every frightened breath came a wooden creak or noise...They were close. They'd kept their promise and were coming for them, all six of them. The oaken table at which the family were sitting trembled. Fear had grasped the room and the middle aged man sitting on the grandest seat rose,eclipsing the moonlight which shone from the window behind him.

''Elia,take Aless. Go to the kitchen,hide her. You'll know where. And My Dearest sister,take my son and hide him in the drinks cupboard. Afterwards,come back here, they won't bother looking for the children...'' His wild amber eyes glinted with fire and determination. He would not allow his children to be killed;not like this. Clasping the handle he unsheathed his weapon, the steel sword which had been past down generations,stars formed as the light hit the blade. Flicking his obsidian black hair out the way he moved in front of the large oak door. Weapon at the ready.

''Go! Umat,'' He turned to face the older man,placed next to his sister. ''be ready, I dont know what we're dealing with.'' Umat rose quickly,fear poured out of his eyes as he kissed the woman next to him. He knew that this would be their last time together and placed his palm on her slightly raised stomache,wishing they could of had more time for his seed to grow and flourish. ''Hide him well,Beria.'' Umat glanced lovingly at his Nephew and then over to his niece. 'They are twins,they will either survive or die together.'

'''Umat,be ready! Ladies,go now!'' Amber eyes burned at the people in the room,the mans heart was pounding,but he was ready to do this. Ready to die for the ones he loved. Umat prepared himself,unsheathing his blade. Not as grand as his Brother-in-laws Blade of wonder,but grand enough,with its silver,iron alloyed handle and encrusted blade. Gulping,Umat stood next to the Amber eyed man. His deep coffee brown eyes focused on the oaken door in front of him.

Beria was the first to run. She grabbed the child's hand firmly and ran straight to her destination;long black waves caressing the air behind her.

It hurt her to run,she had little support for her newly swelling breasts. However,her determination and fear overcame her, discarding the pain which she knew wouldn't last. The young boy Beria was escorting gazed sorrowfully behind him as he was being whisked away. His chocolate coloured eyes travelled across each of his well dressed relatives. Taking in the details of his Papa 's sword, Uncle Umat's long red and gold coat and his Mama's beautiful long black hair and sun kissed skin. She smiled,but even at such a young age he could see the pain in her eyes.

'' Be a good boy,Adham. I love you.'' She whispered,loud enough for him to make out what she was saying. Tears began to form in his young eyes,until then he looked at his twin sister,Aless. Looking upon her face reassured him that they would meet again. As long as he had his other half,Adham knew he would be alright.

The boy held back his tears and willingly left with his Aunt,turning the corner he wondered if he really would see his sister again...

''Come,Aless. We must leave. Now.'' Elia said quickly,holding back her half formed tears. She would never see her son again,and she knew that.

Clutching Aless' hand she hurried out of the grand wooden room.

''Mama,who's coming for us?'' Aless gasped as her Mother dragged her towards the kitchen.

''Count Jahar,child. He seeks revenge from your Father.''

''Revenge?'' The small girl looked up at her Mama,her hands began to shake and droplets of sweat meandered from her forehead.

''Dont worry yourself,my sweet. All we need to do now is get you to safety.''

Aless gulped and continued to follow her Mother,entering finely decorated hallways,covered in the finest silks and Persian carpets. Elia released a sigh of relief as they came to the kitchen door,tall and grand,just like the door in the dining room.

''Such a grand house'' She thought.

Elia would miss her home,the smell,the colours. It was her life,but at least she had experienced every aspect of it.

Storming into the room,the beautiful woman and her child panted,savouring the air their lungs had acquired. Elia quickly made her way to the other side of the room. Barrels of vegetables,wine and beer surrounded the area,letting off the most acquired smell. With her dainty hands,Elia pushed one of the barrels to the side,revealing a small door behind it.

''Aless,over here'' Panting,the woman gestured her daughter towards her as she opened the small wooden door.

''Sit in here and don't make a sound'' Tears formed in the Mothers eyes,her love for her child was infinite,she knew,they all knew,that none of them would see their children again and it pained her to accept this.

A single droplet fell from her dark eyes as she kissed Aless' forehead.

''Be safe,my daughter. Be strong. I love you so much...''

''Stay with me,Mama. Please,you must!'' Tears had already begun falling from Aless' amber eyes. She needed her Mother,she wouldn't let her go. She couldn't...

Elia took a deep breath and looked into her daughters eyes,they were beautiful,taking after her Fathers.

''I must,to protect you. Good bye.'' She closed the door before her daughter could answer her. Any more words and she would break down. That couldn't happen. She must stay strong,as a good Mother would. However,more droplets fell as the young Mother pushed the barrel back in front of the door,to ensure her daughter wouldn't chase after her. Darkness eclipsed the small room in which the girl stayed.

''Goodbye...'' Were the last words Aless heard her Mother whisper as she ran away from the room. Aless sniffleD and sobbed,looking out of the small crack in the door,which only allowed a tiny last glimpse of her Mama. The click clacking of her Mothers shoes echoed through the room and beyond.

Then there was a scream.

They were here. Aless couldn't make out whose scream it was,but even in her young years,she knew this wasn't a scream of pain. The clanking of metal echoed through the halls,there was a lot of metal. She knew her family were outnumbered. Greatly outnumbered. But perhaps they stood a chance?

The sounds didn't stop,and cries of pain began to overtake the sound of metal.

Aless covered her tiny ears with her palms,tears danced from her amber eyes as she crouched into the corner of the cupboard. ''I cant die here.'' The girl thought to herself. ''They cant die here...I need them...'' More tears sprung from her eyes,as she whimpered. The cries that had echoed through the halls began to turn into cries of pain. Slashing,Stabbing,searing pain. Bodies fell,Aless could sense the crimson red splashing against the walls and floor.

And then there was silence.

Then footsteps. Footsteps that were getting louder and heavier.

Aless wondered if her twin brother,Adham was alright. And if another member of her family was safe and well,but she was doubtful about that. Now all the amber eyed girl wished for was her brothers safety.

Aless closed her eyes tightly as the footsteps came ever so nearer.

'They are twins,they will either survive or die together.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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