A superhero's work is never done

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    When they arrived at S.T.A.R. LABS nothing appeared different to Barry. Not much physical damage had occurred yet but the threat was still there. Barry had been called in before the situation got worse. No one expected him to bring his super "friend" along but neither did they know his super friend so they couldn't know she was coming to help.

KARA: "So what are we up against?"

BARRY: "No idea."

    They walked into the cortex and had to physically restrain the urge to link hands. They looked around the room. Everyone had a mix of relief and confusion on their faces. Relief that Barry was here. Confusion towards who was beside him.

BARRY: "This is my friend Kara Danvers or, as she is known on her Earth, Supergirl."

    Everyone still looked confused so Kara flew up into the air and carved the symbol of the house of El into the floor but with one major difference. There was a lightning both through it. Everyone looked shocked (except Barry) and Cisco was fangirling at the side of the room

CISCO: "Team Superflash already has a symbol!"

BARRY: "Cisco"

CISCO: "Yes?"

BARRY: "Calm down. Besides, you need a symbol."

    Cisco walked out of the room and Kara started snickering at their playful behaviour which lead to everyone laughing about it. Everyone composed themselves a few minutes later and then Cisco walked in.

CISCO: "Let's get straight to the point. We have five metas loose and we need to stop them."

BARRY: "Who?"

CISCO: "The Rival; Decay; Mirror Master; Top and Weather Wizard"

BARRY: "I know two of them."

KARA: "What can they do?"

BARRY: "The Rival has super speed, Weather Wizard has weather based powers..."

CISCO: "Decay can kill with a touch, Mirror Master can travel in any reflective surface and Top can incur extreme vertigo."

    Light conversation ensued for the rest of the day until everyone started to go home. Soon enough it was just Barry and Kara in the cortex.

BARRY: "Sorry for interrupting our time together."

KARA: "Don't worry about it. After all, a superhero's work is never done."

BARRY: "Yeah... unfortunately."

KARA: "Where am I going to stay exactly?"

BARRY: "We have a few guest rooms here."

KARA: "And how many will be used?"

BARRY: "One..."

KARA: "Good answer."

    Kara then proceeded to pull Barry to the guest room where they made out for a bit before falling asleep in each other's arms. Barry woke up early the next morning and, to his dismay, had to move or others would suspect something. he left his sleeping, peaceful girlfriend and went upstairs to the speed lab and proceeded to run. He wondered whether he should tell the others about Flashpoint and was lucky that they didn't notice when he said he knew the Rival's powers where he knew them from. He wanted to tell Kara at least but he didn't want to wake her up. he didn't need to. Kara walked in to the speed lab and Barry promptly stopped in front of her.

KARA: "I would like to wake up next to my boyfriend."

BARRY: "Sorry, it's just- everyone is usually early and they would suspect something if they found us sleeping together."

KARA: "And you have super speed. move before anyone can see you there. Just be there when I wake up."

BARRY: "Ok..."

KARA: "Are you ok? You seem a little off, nervous perhaps."

    Barry smiled at how well she knew him already. it was nice to know that someone was there who loved him enough to spot when something was wrong.

BARRY: "Remember when I said that I made a stupid decision."

KARA: "Yeah..."

BARRY: "I changed time. I saved my mother and lived in a new timeline. It was called Flashpoint. I lived in it for three months trying to make myself feel better and it did an bit. I changed it back when I realised it wasn't the right thing to do. When I realised it wasn't making me feel better. When I realised I needed you. When my memories of you started to fade. But there are repercussions of time travel. Most of these metas are. The Rival I fought in Flashpoint. I had also heard of Decay and Mirror Master there. kid Flash has gotten his powers from Flashpoint as well. The only one not Flashpoint related is Weather Wizard. Now I feel like I need to tell them about it but they will look at me differently. They won't understand how it feels. they'll just be angry at me. But I know I can tell you. You understand more than most. But I feel like I need to tell them. I don't know what to do."

    Barry broke down in Kara's arms which had slowly enveloped him throughout what he was saying. Kara was shocked. She would do something like that in an instant. The fact that Barry could have reversed it was startling enough. She wouldn't have reversed it. Let alone the fact that he reversed it for her. it reminded her of the Black Mercy. She couldn't have reversed it. Or maybe, she could. She would if she was forgetting a certain scarlet speedster. She understood how he felt.

KARA: "Barry, no matter what you chose to do, I love you, even when I have to pretend I don't."

BARRY: "I love you too Kara. I love you."

    They walked off towards the cortex for a day of crime-fighting. A superhero's work is never done.

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