I wish you were here...

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*Credit to @InterCosmicBooks for the idea of this story*  

*Changes in plot to Supergirl: No Mon-El; Winn work for the DEO at the end of season 1; No Kara and James kiss / romance; Lena is a friend during season 1 - did what good stuff Max Lord did in actual show (red K cure; Black Mercy help) plus a bit more help here and there as well as just being Kara's friend; Lena knows Kara is Supergirl. This chapter takes place a week after the last chapter*

    On Kara's earth things weren't going great. She had defeated Non and Indigo, got a promotion and more but she couldn't look at James. She didn't know why but she certainly didn't like him like she used to anymore.She couldn't since, since Barry left. Just thought of him made her sad and she couldn't stop thinking of him. She did her job as a reporter and her job as Supergirl but didn't fell has happy as she did wen Barry was here, even though she was in a better position than before. Every day she hoped to see a small flash of lightning but every day there wasn't. She couldn't help but wonder if he even thought about her at all.

    There was a knock on the door. Lena always came over every week just make sure Kara was ok and usually as a shoulder to cry on but Kara never told anyone her problems.

KARA: "Lena, come in!"

    Lena walked in and walked over to Kara and sat down next to her. Because of the months they had done this Lena could see the lines of sadness etched on her face and knew today was going to be worse than others.

LENA: "What's wrong Kara?"

KARA: "It's the same problem as every time. I know I haven't told you but I should and I will. There was this guy. His name was Barry Allen but he also went by The Flash, even though Cat tried to name him The Blur it was quite funny. Anyway, he was also from another Earth and he travelled here by accident. He was here for a day or two and in that time we became very close friends. He helped me with my problems and we could just understand each other so well because we were just so similar. he even gave me advice to do with getting together with James. Then he left and I don't think I can even see him again. I don't think he even thinks of me. I've never felt anything towards James since Barry left. I can't even look at James anymore. Every day I look outside and hope to see a streak of lightning. There never is one. I miss him so much... I wish he would come back..."

    Kara broke down in tears in Lena's arms. Lena was shocked to say the least. Kara had never said anything of her problems or the Multiverse to her before. She was happy to know that Kara could finally share her problems without breaking down in tears before starting and was intrigued about the multiverse. Lena needed to solve her friends problems. She needed to travel the multiverse. She needed to bring Barry Allen to Kara Danvers. They stayed like this for 20 minutes before breaking apart. Kara dried her tears.

KARA: "I'm going to go get some sleep and you should too. G'night Lena."

LENA: "Goodnight Kara."

    Kara sent Lena out and got into bed. He stared outside with her x-ray vision but saw nothing.

KARA (quietly): "Barry, I wish you were here..."

    Kara quickly fell asleep to the thought of Barry Allen. Lena on the other hand had two stops before sleep. Alex Danvers and her Lab. She went to Alex's first. She knocked and Alex answered promptly. This was also a routine that after Kara cried on Lena, Lena would go to Alex's so they could try and work out what was wrong with Kara. They walked in and sat down in Alex's apartment.

ALEX: "What new information this time?"

LENA: "She told me everything."

ALEX: "What did she say?"

    They were both very worried for Kara as she had been in a bad state for the past 3 months. Lena had taken to wearing a recording device when she when to Kara's in case they got any information out of her. Lena pressed play on the recording.

KARA (recorded): "It's the same problem as every time. I know I haven't told you but I should and I will. There was this guy. His name was Barry Allen but he also went by The Flash, even though Cat tried to name him The Blur it was quite funny. Anyway, he was also from another Earth and he travelled here by accident. He was here for a day or two and in that time we became very close friends. He helped me with my problems and we could just understand each other so well because we were just so similar. he even gave me advice to do with getting together with James. Then he left and I don't think I can even see him again. I don't think he even thinks of me. I've never felt anything towards James since Barry left. I can't even look at James anymore. Every day I look outside and hope to see a streak of lightning. There never is one. I miss him so much... I wish he would come back..."

    Alex was in shock by the end. Shy little Kara Danvers was stuck on a guy, The Flash from another Earth of all people? The Multiverse? She certainly knew what she and Lena needed to do. they needed to find Barry Allen and make him come to their Earth.

LENA: "We need to find Barry Allen and bring him here."

ALEX: "Where do we start? How do we travel the multiverse?"

LENA: "I've had an idea. let's go to my lab and begin work."

    Alex and Lena spent most of the next three days in Lena's lab at L corp and they had a finished an inter-dimensional extrapolater. It was small but worked very well. They locked in the frequency of this Earth and opened a portal. they were astounded by what they saw and focused their thought on a Barry Allen, the Flash. the only one that had ever come in contact with their Kara Danvers and found themselves on the floor of a lab - in the breach room of S.T.A.R. LABS. it had worked. They looked up and saw a man in a red suit.

THE FLASH: "Who are you?"

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