BONUS CONTENT: An Emojinterview with Teddy Sharpe

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Int: We definitely don't want that, but we'll be anxiously awaiting more details with everyone else 😳 Speaking of your fans—you pretty much broke the internet last week when it came out that you're starring as Jack O'Heinessey in the Parachutes film franchise! 😍 How does it feel to be the face of the most hyped YA book adaptation of 2019? 📖

Teddy: You know, it's so funny the way all that went down 😶 I'm pretty sure the initial source was Tumblr, right? 🤔 Like, we weren't even going to make an announcement about casting until next month, but some stealthy fans on Tumblr somehow figured it all out 🕵️‍♀️ We still have no idea how it leaked, but I'm stoked that so many people are already excited about it 😌

Int: We hear ya—Tumblr is a force to be reckoned with these days 👀 So, talk to us a little bit more about Parachutes ❤️ It's a super high-action story with plenty of thrills, and it's definitely different from a comedy-drama MTV show 🎬 How are you feeling about switching things 🆙?

Teddy: It's definitely nerve-racking, you know, trying something completely new 😬 My character Miles on Testing Wyatt was the first role I ever landed, so he feels like a second skin to me when I'm on set 💙 Which is great, don't get me wrong, but I also think it's important as an actor to challenge yourself in as many ways as you can 🧔🏻👮🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️ Especially early in your career 👶🏻 I've always wanted to try out a more physically challenging role, so Jack is absolutely perfect 👍🏻 His character in Parachutes and its sequel, Safety Net, reads so opposite of Miles that I think it'll be the best kind of test for me at this stage in my career 😊

Int: Agreed! 🙌🏻 And I'm so glad you brought up the book series 📚 It sounds like you've read them already? 📕📗

Teddy: I've actually low-key read both books twice already and plan on reading them a few times more before filming starts 🤓 Jack is a crazy complex character—I feel like every time I read the books I discover new facets to him that I missed before 🔍💎 M.B. Caldwell is such a spectacularly talented writer and these books have such an incredible fandom following 📝... It's really important to me that I do his character justice 💪🏻

Int: Wow, as if we weren't already impressed! 😍 So does that mean we can expect to see you at a midnight release party for the final book, Off the Grid in 2020? 🎉

Teddy: Oh, absolutely 🤪 I'm secretly hoping I can score some details on the third book while I'm on set, too 🤫 I don't think I can wait until 2020 😩😂

Int: We fully support that and we think you should hook us up with those details when you get them 🙏🏻

Teddy: I'll see what I can do, but no promises 🤐😂

Int: So, you said your Testing Wyatt filming schedule has been fast paced—how has it been prepping for your Parachutes role on top of that? 🏋🏻‍♂️

Teddy: It's mostly consisted of putting on more muscle mass and making sure I'm in shape for stunts 🧗🏻‍♂️ I'm a little on the skinny side to begin with and I want to be as hands-on as I can with this movie, so preparing ahead of time is 🔝 priority. So far it's been tough to find time with my workdays, but TW filming is supposed to wrap around Thanksgiving, so I'll have about six or seven weeks after that to really go hard 🏃🏻‍♂️

Int: Wait, so does that mean Parachutes filming starts in mid-January 🤯?? That's so soon! 📆

Teddy: Oh, sh*t 😅 I really hope I don't get in trouble for saying that... 🤷🏻‍♂️

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