Army Lessons Learned

Start from the beginning

I'm here

"Where else is he going to hide? Isn't like he got any friends?" Second person. Male. Still unidentified.

"If he went to the hospital, Johnny and Al should be able to handle it," A third person said.

That one I recognized.

Nathan Keagan. One of Dave's older brothers.

Things were falling into place.

The evidence was all in front of me. Not something I'd want to take to JAG, but enough for me. I got it, got all of it now.

Nathan Keagan had worked at the mill, like I had, in shipping and receiving. Four years older than Dave, two years younger than his brother. He'd usually had a match stick or a toothpick in his mouth at all times, and when he was home he tormented me every time I was there at the same time.

But that was then.

Now it was dark and cold, even in my little house.

this isn't Tia-kwon-do or even karate or akido despite the fact I'm teaching all you much of the same moves. this is eskrima, modified by the mantra of 'keep what works discard the rest' and all that matters is putting down your opponent and putting them down hard.

even then, where all other martial arts tell you to only use the minimum required force, eskrima focuses on disabling or even killing strikes, with weapons or without

we're soldiers. we kill.

Stokes's words the first few months of her hand to hand training.

we're soldiers. we kill

we kill

I moved down the hallway, breathing slowly, getting ready. Each breath seemed to pull more emptiness into my body, hollowing me out even further instead of filling me with anything. They were in the front room, I could see them even in the darkness. The light of the moon through the clouds was streaming through the sliding glass door enough to light up the room to my eyes.

"We'll search the place. Don't fuck it up, the house is more important than that little runt," Nate told his two minions.

As I passed through the kitchen and into the dining room slash front room, separated only by the line between carpet and linoleum, my hand reached out and wrapped around the butcher knife in the knife block.

right hand Daga left hand live hand

The one stepping into the kitchen, passing by the counter that separated it from the dining room, had no clue I was there in the darkness. He was only a shadow, but that didn't matter.

the enemy doesn't attack you in the gym or on a training ground. smoke fire dust rain snow darkness all of is part of the battlefield and we train to kill that other poor bastard on the battlefield in order to win the objectives

we own the night...

I waited till he moved past me, groping on one wall for the light switch, before I moved.

The knife crunched as it drove through muscle and tendon, deep into his lower right side, sliding in as it sliced through intestines, at least nicked his appendix, and at least an inch slid out the front of his stomach. I felt the serrated edge grind on his pelvic bone before I let the knife go.

He screamed, loudly, and fell forward, onto his hands and knees. Lightning flashed, lighting up inside the house and letting me see clearly.

"Oh,God," he cried out right before I stomped on the small of his back, driving him face first into the linoleum.

Radioman (A 2/19th Spinoff) - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now