Entry 2

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Hey, I’m back! Sorry I didn’t write for so long. We were able to find a true place to settle down for a while but then Angela got sick and lost control messing everything up. I was finally able to get her stable but since she's unconscious we’re stuck in one of her worlds, or as she likes to call them tellings. Anyway back to the story right?

I had just pulled into the parking lot for the park, in a slight rush as I was running late. I grabbed my bag from the cart then jogged over to the gazebo where I could see Avery and Zöe waving at me to get there already.

“Well, well look who decided to finally show up,” Alice smirked at me as I entered our little gazebo. In response I just stuck my tongue out at her, as the others laughed light heartedly at us. I walked over and plopped down in my usual seat in between Wendy and Austin still a bit out of breath.

“But really Gaby why so late? We’ve all been here for at least 30 minutes, Zö was betting you went into a coma from a feels overload.” Rose said looking at me with a mix of concern and amusement on her face, which may seem weird but she could pull off those odd expresion combos.

I rolled my eyes at Zöe with a slight smile before responding,“The feels have yet to incapacitate me just yet, but sorry to make you guys wait I just lost track of time while getting ready this morning. What have you done so far?”

“Well we already shared the bedtime stories if that’s what you are curious about, reveling as always,” was Averys' sarcastic answer.

“There not bedtime stories!” Alice snapped at her, ”and you enjoy them just like the rest of us, so stop criticizing them just because the ‘popular’ people say the legends aren’t cool.”

“Thats enough Alice” I tried to stop her because I knew where she was going with this and it wasn’t going to end well.

“No! I’m sick and tired of her looking down on us!” she turned back to Avery,”Your a nobody like the rest of us now get over it!”

I glared daggers at her as I got up and intersected Avery in a hug as she tried to run out. Holding her tightly I whispered things to her trying to convince her to stay, until she finally nodded slightly. I then guided her to the spot right next to Wendy to let Wendy comfort her while I dealt with Alice.

I wireld around to face her, she may be my friend but she just made my best friend cry.

“Alice we need to talk,” I said in a strained calm as I grabbed her arm and walked out of the gazebo bringing her with me. Once we were a good distance away I snapped at her,


My anger draining slightly, I continued,”She’s been my best friend since kindergarten, and I refuse let her go back to the darkness. She’s gotten alot better, having not self-harmed in over a year but I can’t risk her going back to it. And I’ve told you all this before yet you still felt the need to say all that, why? I get that sometimes it hurts the way she acts and talks at times, but she’s struggling herself. So quit whining like a shitty baby cause it doesn’t suit you!”

I wiped away the few tears that had began to fall and looked up at Alice. She had a saddened guilty look on her face that told me everything I needed to know, she had lost control and just snapped at the person who happened to be in front of her, the regret was radiating from her as she analyzed the grass at our feet.

I smiled and pulled her into a hug surprising her, not thinking I would forgive that quickly. Truth be told I didn’t completely forgive her as this wasn’t the first time she had snapped at Avery and as much as I hoped I knew it most likely would not be her last.

Angela has been pestering me for the past hour for dinner so I really need to go make us something to eat, so I’ll have to stop here for now. I think I’ll try to make something special for tonight since I actually have access to a proper kitchen. Not sure how it’ll turn out though, it’s been years since I’ve worked in a kitchen. I’ll make sure to let you know how it goes in my next  entry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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