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    Ok, I should start by saying I have no intention of letting anyone else read this, but I need to talk to someone or I’m afraid I will go crazy. So I have decided to turn to the one thing I am sure about, writing. I am only documenting this story for myself, but I am writing it as if telling it to someone else. So if you somehow get ahold of this and are reading this I warn you, this is my ascension into my hell, nothing more and nothing less. So go ahead and stop reading if you’re expecting me to sugar coat things for you. My guess is that those of you still reading believe that this is pure fiction and I truly envy your true-ignorance. Like my true-brother would always say “ignorance is bliss”. I used to always argue with him on this saying that ignorance would get you burned. But the truth is, real honest ignorance is bliss.
      Sometimes I wish I had just stayed home. Just not have gone on a ride that day, been lazy. But noo! I just had to get exercise. I swear, it's just not fair. I was a normal teenage girl. I had friends, family, and an average life ahead of me, and just like that in the blink of an eye it was all taken away from me. Just WHY?! What did I do wrong? Who did I anger, to deserve this life? Is my destiny really to live out this endless cycle of pain. I am surrounded by my creation and success, yet I have never felt so devastated and inadequate. At the beginning it was a true dream come true as it just keeps getting better and better. But what goes up must always come down, and boy did it crashed down in the form of paper. Those malevolently taunting pages of joy and happiness.

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