14-This tiny putos know how to run.

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                *HEILY'S P.O.V.*

“Oh no." I open my eyes wide and run to my left side while looking back in case I see him chasing us.

“Run faster!" Jacob yells from behind.“He's coming."

Jacob curses and screams for help which lets me know that they got him too.

Is just you Heily.

“Oh shit." I stop and look for a hiding place,“C'mom Heily c'mon."

“I'm coming!" He's little voice brings me back to reality and I just run off to my right side hiding behind a tree.

“I'm gonna find you." The little voice screams through the park.“Where are you?"

I was gonna win this game no matter what.


You might be wondering what's going on.

Well, when Jacob and I finish eating we came to the park and as soon as we enter a bunch of little kids came running towards us asking us to play freeze tag because their parents were tired. We agreed and I guess their parents did so too because they sat down tiredly and mouthed a quick “Thank you."

Are you following now?

Good. because I'm about to win.

“Where are you?" the boy who's name happens to be Carlos asks.

“Heily come and unfreeze me." Claire's voice makes my head turns towards her.

I look around the park to see that I was the only one remaining from my group. Everyone, including Jacob were freezed.

The team depends on you Heily.

Is time to show those kids who's the beast.

Oh god please don't let them catch me.

This tiny putos know how to run.

I took a deep breath and ran off towards Claire.

Little kids started screaming “She's out. GET HER!"

But all I had in mind was unfreezing my group.

I ran faster towards Claire and touched her shoulder, she runs off and helps me by touching Manuel, who touches Christopher. The only one remaining was Jacob but he was surrounded by all the little kids.

Damn, for  6 and 10 years old they sure are smart.

“Group meeting!"I announce. My group of little kids come my way.

“He's surrounded." Claire's voice says breathlessly.

“I don't think we can make it." Christopher says while trying to catch air.

“Hey,hey listen." I say,“You guys are in my group. And Heily's group never gives up, you understand? We are no pus- cats. So let's go kick some a- dirt."

They all scream “yeahs" and get into position.

“Ready to lose, losers" Donald from the other group sticks his tongue out.

“Really? That's all you got." I laugh.“Such a little motherf-lover."

“I am 6 you know." He rolls his eyes.

“Well, you my friend is about to go.back to kindergarden."

“I'm in 1st grade." he says in a duh tone.

“Oh you got what I meant."

“Can you stop arguing and rescue me my hands are hurting." Jacob says.

“Alright." I smile,“Let's kick some as- dirt."



              *JACOB'S P.O.V.*

I watch as Heily ran around the park with the little kids.

She looked happy.

You know apart from the fact that she disliked Donald.

And that he disliked her too.


Oh, and Heily.

She was trying to unfreeze me, but I must admit the opposite team was good.

“hahaha sucker." Heily says when she freezes Donald and he just glares at her.“Who's the loser now?"

“Heily, I got him!" The little girl, I think her name was Claire, jumped over to Heily's arms while Heily spins her around.

“We won!" Christopher jumped up and down around Heily and Claire while Manuel stood by my side.

“No." He giggles and we all turn to him.“Now we won." He says touching my hand to unfreeze me.


“This deserves an ice cream!" I yelled happily and they all cheered.

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