Chapter 1

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I sat in the truck, waiting to arrive at the new base, I should call it. I was determined, I trained hard for this. I wasn't nervous, but I curious as to how they would react from a woman's presence here.
I looked at the photograph in my hands once more before putting it away, I missed my family. A lot.

I was transferred to the First Platoon. I was honoured in a way... But I knew that I would miss my best friends, I had known them for years.

My biggest concern was my past. In my previous division, I had enlisted as a male. I changed my name to my father's and hoped that no one would find out. However, they did. But then didn't send me back. But what if these people do? Who knows?

I snapped out of my thoughts when the truck pulled up to a stop and I knew I was here. I got off immediately and saw some men training outside and some eating and talking away with each other. I tried to not focus on the stares I got, I just needed to find my way through to 'Turner'.

I opened the door and walked over to a soldier who was alone. "Excuse me?" He lowered his head slightly to look down at me
"Can I help you?" He asked and I looked around then back at him. "I'm looking for Turner... Could you show me where he is, please?" He smiled slightly and walked ahead. "Follow me." He stated and I quickly trailed behind.

He lead me through a corridor and stopped once we reached the door. "There you go." He said and turned to walk away. "Thank you." I called out to him and turned to the door, I knocked twice and waited patiently. "Come in!" He called out, I turned the handle, letting myself in.

"Ahh! You must be the new recruit. I'm Turner." He informed and I nodded respectfully at him. I looked to my left and saw some other guy sat with him, he was very well-built. I turned my attention back to Turner who told me to sit.

He then pulled out my documents and read them. "So," he began, "you passed basic training, boot camp and intermediate training..." he trailed on. "Your weapon is a sniper on front line. You have medical experience. You have had experience and have fought for a different division of the US." He added.
"Yes, sir." I confirmed, nodding my head. "You have some useful information." He looked up at me and I smiled at his statement.

"You are 5"5, you were a Private (Second Class) in your previous division. So, why did you transfer?" Turner questioned and I could feel two pairs of eyes looking at me. "I was told that it was the best thing to do, Sir." I answered truthfully. He nodded at my answer with a smile before looking at the paper again.

"And your name is," He scanned to find my name, "Heidi Green." He finished and I nodded. He read through the rest of the documents but suddenly looked up at me surprised. "Is something wrong?" I ask, hoping it wasn't anything serious. "No, no." He says, "I'm just shocked by your age... You're only 24?" I nodded and saw the other guy's expression change immediately.

"Is there something wrong with my age, sir?" I enquired, but Turner shook his head quickly. "Of course not. You must have been training at a young age." He chuckled and set the papers down. "Yes, sir." I agreed and looked at them both.

Turner gave me a uniform and helmet. "Go try these on. Pierson, here, will show you to the room." He stated and looked at Pierson, who then looked at me and got up from his seat. I stood with him and picked up my things before leaving. He opened the door for me. "Thanks." I said and walked with him to the room. He didn't  reply, instead, he just nodded and glanced at me from time to time.

"Umm," I began, "are you alright?" I asked him after he glanced at me for the 100th time. "I'm just shocked that Turner let a girl in." He grumbled and I looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean?" I questioned him and he stopped to look at me up and down before shaking his head and continuing to walk.

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