Chapter 5 ~ What does this mean?

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*George's POV*

It's been a couple days since we started school, and Phoenix's friends joined Hogwarts.

I'm glad that even though Phoenix's mates are here, she hasn't been ditching us to hang around with them, instead we have just merged together as one big group.

Our massive group that consists of Me, Phoenix, Fred, Angelina, Lee, Iris, Jinx and Rhys are currently sat at the Gryffindor table as it's lunch time.

''I am dredding, defence with Umbridge, she annoys me so much''

Phoenix says, rolling her eyes to the celing, making me smile at her softly. She turns to look at me and mirrors the same smile.

Her gase soon turns to the entrance of the Great Hall, there stands Jesse from Ravenclaw, with her little clan of followers.

I turn to look at Phoenix and take hold of her hand, giving her the look that says, 'Just ingore her'.

She probably won't listen to me, worth a try.


We're heading off to our last lesson as we have a free period after. We have defence with Umbridge.

I hate her already, she's treating us all like baby's, it's ridiculous, I want Lupin back, he was better.

We each take our seats, In pairs it's me and Phoe, Iris and Rhys, Lee and Angelina and to my'n and Phoe's surprise Fred and Jinx sat together.

"I recken they would make a good couple"

Phoenix says motioning towards Jinx and Fred. You know they kinda would.

"Right class today I will be teaching you about..."

I zone out of what ever this prissy pink toad said.

Just as we start our work, Unbridge starts walking around the class and stops next to Phoenix with a sympathetic look.

"I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother dear, it was such a tragic accident..."

"Accident, you think it was an accident?! He was murdered, how could you stand there and say it was an accident?!"

Phoenix shouts catching everyone's attention. I lightly entwine my hand with hers under the desk to try and calm her down.

But Phoenix won't subside.

"Well, I hate to tell you this Alizandra, but it was an accident, there are no two ways about it, why would you think he was murdered, I think someone has been telling you lies my dear..."

Umbridge is cut off by Phoenix getting up, picking up her bag and swiftly leaving the room.

"You will have detention with me, tonight if you walk out that door..."

Umbridge shouts, but Phoenix doesn't stop she just walk out the door.

I can tell she's crying by the way she was walking. I really want to leave and see if she's alright, but Umbridge won't let me leave.


As soon as I hear the bell go, I don't hesitate to run as fast as I can to the only place I know, Phoenix would have gone to find closer.

The old oak tree at the edge of the lake.

As I make my way over the hill, I notice Phoenix sat under the tree staring off into the distance with a tear stained face.

She doesn't look up at me as I slowly approach her. I sit down next to her slipping one arm behind her back, pulling her close to me.

At first she doesn't relax into me, but she eventually comes back to reality and realised I'm here.

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