Chapter 10

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Y/N P.O.V.

"There you go! Smile for me!" I aim my camera and snap the final picture. I was finishing my last appointment at my photography business, called 'Heavenly Photos'. I know, original right? 

The last appointment consisted of a family of three, who were also my good friends and my most frequent customers; James, Christina, and their 2 year-old daughter, Isabella. They've come to me ever since I opened up. I've even done Christina's pregnancy pictures. They always try to come by the shop when their in the area. Today, I'm doing their fall/Halloween pictures. 

"How much this time, Y/N?"  James asked me, pulling his wallet out of Christina's purse. I made my way to my desk and checked the appointment off of my calendar.

"Well, it's usually 80, but since this cutie right here is so fun to have around, I'll do it for 50." I sat as I pick up the toddler that was making her way to me. She giggled as I made fart noises onto her cheek, and laughed myself when she tried to copy me.

"So that's where she learned that from." Christina laughed. "What can I say, I've trained her well." I wiped way an imaginary tear and put my hand on my chest. "I am so proud." "Drama queen." She coughs. 

As Christina and I are talking about their upcoming Halloween party, my phone buzzes in my pocket. James pulls her attention away from me, so that gave me a chance to check my phone. I pull it out and see that Dark texted me, saying that he's coming by. And to open the door when he scratches at it? What?

Izzy looked over my shoulder and started to bounce and yell. 

"What is it, Izzy?" I pull back and look at her. "Boggy! Boggy!" "Boggy?" Turning towards the door, I see a big, black German shepherd pawing at the door, barking and jumping. 

"I wonder who he belongs to." Christina says, taking Izzy into her arms. Then the realization hit me. 'Scratched at the door'. 

"Oh! He's mine!" I walk over to the glass door and open it, making it ding. "Hi Dark." I whisper as he walks in. He winks and starts to wag his tail.

"This is Dark. He just wonders off when he wants to, but he's usually back around closing time." "Awe, hi Dark." Christina puts her hand in front of Dark's nose and lets him 'smell' her. To keep the charade going, he turned his head when Izzy squealed and giggled. 

"Will he bite?" James asked, being a little skeptical of the large canine. "Bite? He wouldn't hurt a fly." James slowly patted Dark's head. 

"Boggy! Boggy!" Izzy struggled to get out of her mother's arms. "Be easy, Darky." I scratch behind his ear, making him glare at me. 

I laughed at Izzy walked to Dark and started to squeeze his face. She smacked the top of his has as so pet him and was going to her mouth onto his nose, until James picked her up. 

"Okay, sweetie, you've caused him enough trouble. Besides, we have to get going." Him and Christina said their goodbyes and left, leaving me with a wincing canine-demon. 

"You want a doggy tweat?" I take my thumb and put it on his bottom lip to make it seem like he was saying "Please give me a tweat. I've been a good boy." Dark pulled his head away. "Y/N, I love you. But if you ever do that again, I will bite your ass." "I bet you would like that. By the way, why didn't you just walk in? It would have saved you the baby talk and the wrath of Izzy."

 I watch as a black fog surrounded Dark. When it went away, there stood Dark, but with two legs instead of four. "I was just walking around in the allies as a dog, ya know, just relaxing. And since I was in the area, decided to come see you. Man, that baby is strong. I have a damn headache." He rubes his head and winced.

I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "Do you want to go home with me? We can get an ice pack and I can take care of my Darkimoo." I swipe his red hair away from his face. "Yes pwease." "Who's doing the puppy-talk now?" "Okay, you got me."

"I just have to get my stuff from the back. You better be lucky it was closing time when you came."

I walked back to my 'office' where I print off all my pictures. It was a semi-large room which my computer where I do all the editing and printing, a couch that pulls out into a futon, a fridge, microwave, and a closet that I converted into a black room where I do my film photos. When I have to pull an all-nighter, I make sure I feel right at home.

"I didn't think she would hit you that hard." I grab a bottle of ibuprofen and give him one. "This should ease it until we get there." "Thanks babe." Dark took the pill without something to drink. Ech. How do people do that?

Grabbing my purse, jacket, keys, and Dark's hand, I locked the door to my office. I turn on the alarm and make sure that the front door is locked. It's dark outside, so look down at my phone to see what time it is. '8:25. Hmm, closing time is at 7. I didn't realize that Christina, James, and I talked that long.'

"Are you okay?" Dark pulls me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh yea, I'm fine. I didn't know that Christina and I talked for so long." He nodded in understandment. 

I walk to my 2008 silver Chevy impala and unlock my door. I get in and start it when I here a knock on the other window. "Sorry, I don't give rides to sexy people." I say as I roll down the window. He chuckles and leans into the window, "What about a sexy demon?" "Let me think about" "Haha. Listen, if you give me a ride to my beautiful girlfriend's house, I'll give you a present." He wiggled his eyebrows and gave me his famous side smirk. "What kind of present?" "Oh you'll see."

I unlock the door and he slides right on in. (A clue to the next chapter.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) "Thank you kind maiden." Dark takes my hand and kisses it. I roll my eyes and feel the blush rise on my cheeks. 

The engine roars as it comes to life. I pull out of the little parking lot and embark on the short journey home. We stop at a stop light when I feel a large hand rest on my knee, slowly skating up to my thigh.

"What are you doing?" "Warming you up for your present." He smiles and continues to look forward out the window. Acting like he wasn't doing anything. My eyes widen and press on the gas, in a rush to get home.


We pulled up in my drive way and quickly got out of the car. I speed walk to my porch, with Dark trailing me. I struggled to get the right key because Dark put his hands onto my hips from behind me and started to kiss my neck. 

Finally, I put the right key into the lock and quickly threw the door open. I ran in, slid off my shoes, and turned around. Only to be met with a demon standing in the doorway, lust clouding his beautiful, charcoal eyes.

Dark lunged forward and smashed his lips onto mine. He started to fondle with the bottom of my shirt when I had to break the heated kiss. 


"Close the door."

((We interrupt this story for the innocent children reading this. If you don't want to read the sexicles, skip the next chapter entirely, you will not miss anything except the smut.

Now back to our regularly-scheduled story.)) 

When Opposites Attract (Darkiplier X Angel!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن