Chapter One

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The sun peeked threw the cloth nailed over my window, providing me enough light to navigate threw the cabin. My hands slowly grasped my belongings, shoving them into the only bag I had owned.
It had only been days sense the king's messenger delivered that letter to me. The symbols had been seered into my brain, along with the spell used to cloak the words. But of course the man had always used a spell sense day one.

Sorry it's been awhile since my last letter, things have been hectic. The plans are going well with the soldiers though. As I plan to send out a group to gather information soon.
I also wrote to update you that no new information has been gathered.
I also wanted to make a request of you, knowing your clan and your strength, I thought you'd be best for the job. I'm planning on sending a group of soldiers out to gather information. The queen and I would like you with them for back up.
Some soldiers will be there to pick you up shortly.
Sincerely King Welstin.

Just thinking about that letter made my gutt clentch. To go into battle, into a field my clan was born for- it was beyond gutt wrenching. It had only been a couple years sense my entire clan was destroyed and I was badly burned.
A breath escaped threw my nose as I shoved the last of my personal belongings away. It would probably be some time before I could return.
Although the King had only shoved me into the cabin for my own protection, a large part of me wanted to stay and not deal with the outside world. My cabin was a safe haven the king and queen had created just for me, and I was beyond terrified to leave it.
A steady knock erupted threw the small cabin, my attention narrowed towards the entry way. Out of reflex my hand had retrived the dagger amongst the remaining unpacked things. Though when a quite familiar voice rang threw the air, I had relaxed.
"Miss. Tina, it's Melic! The king had sent me."
I hummed, crossing the room quickly before I ripped the door open.
Melic's gentle grey orbs met mine, making me smile fondly at the red haired fellow. His lips tipped into a short smile as he nodded in greeting.
"It's nice to see you agian, Miss."
"Ah yes, it has been a while, hasn't it Melic. How's Stan?"
The armored man smiled, carefully leading me to the pair of horses.
"Very well, his illness is almost gone. Though that might be because his wife drowned him in medicinal herbs."
I hummed, helping the man strap my bag onto the saddle of the dark brown stallion. The horse had sniffed my hair before neighing wildly.
"Well at least he's almost well. It would be bad if he couldn't return to his post."
The man only snorted as we trotted under the large canopy of trees. The sunlight peaking threw the leaves, making me hum in delight.
"We both know that all the man does is sleep on the job."
I hummed in agreement before my attention curled over to the pouting man.
"Yes, that is true but you still adore the man."
Melic bursed into a fit of words, rambling and stumbling on about how much he hated him. But we had both knew how much he actually cared about the man. Honestly, you could mistake them as brothers.
The silence consumed us both before I started my flutter of questions about these, people.
"Have you met this group, Melic?"
I glanced at the man, who seemed to eyes peered at me for a brief moment. Then his attention had been locked back on the road ahead.
"I have, milady."
A smile graced his lips.
"Are they trustworthy?"
"Well the king trusts them."
Melic hummed with a smile, leading me thru the thick forest.
The trees finally fanned out, the dirt trail opening up into a cobblestone pathway. The soft breeze fluttered through the air, ruffling myself and the horses' manes. It carried the fresh smells of baked goods, the loud bustling of a busy day. The laughter of the kingdom that I knew was waiting for me ahead..
Just the thought of witnessing the kingdom brought a gentle smile to my face.
The walls were decorated with moss, protecting the kingdom inside. The loud clattering of the townsfolk washed over my senses. The sweet smells of sticky buns made my stomach rumble softly. It had been awhile since I found myself back at the kingdom.
My eyes curled over the stalls filled with goodies. Some were expensive fabrics, others where the delicious smelling buns I've grown to love. Whenever the king came to visit, he often brought me a bag in greeting. The smell would last days in my house.
A sigh fell from my lips as I studied the gates we were approaching. The shimmering silver reflected the light, blinding ones that weren't used to it. The hinges creaked loudly when a set of guards pushed it open. The greenery behind the walls where refreshing, a part of me glad that our king hadn't cut all the trees down.
I pulled the horse to a gentle stop, hopping off the beast in a fluid motion.
Though when my feet had touched the ground, my body had been crushed agianst a chest. The sharp cries of maids and his attendents filled my ears. But if the man had been the person I've grown to know, he hadn't cared.
"Your majesty, it's not proper to hug a women in public when your not betrothed to her!"
A women screeched, causing me to chuckle when the man pulled away. A sense of playfulness dimmed in his orbs. Which is probably why he pulled me closer, a grin stretching to his lips.
"Well start the preparations for the wedding! We shall have it tonight!"
"Your majesty your already engaged!"
I couldn't help but to burst into a fit of laughter.

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