Jughead - Passion

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You take another sip of your strawberry milkshake and narrow your eyes at your loving, but mysterious, boyfriend Jughead Jones. His guarded eyes meet yours as he stops typing and quickly shuts his laptop.

"What?" he questions. Here we go again.

"Jug, please tell me what you're writing about." you plead with him desperately. You know for a fact Jughead trusts you and loves you but there's a few things he won't ever let you in on. One of them? His writing.

Since becoming a serpent, he tries to play it cool, like he doesn't really care all that much about writing. But you know he still has a soft spot for it.

"Come on! I've read your newspaper articles for the Blue and Gold. You're amazing! I would love to see you write something that's different from the..new-sie reporter stuff." you scrunch your nose at whatever made up word that just came out of your mouth.

"New-sie reporter stuff, huh?" he laughs, dipping one of his golden french fries into the blob of ketchup that sits in a small black container.

"You know what I mean!" you roll your eyes but when they meet his again you can't help the smile that graces your lips.

"Fine, maybe I'll just have to steal your computer and find out your password." you joke. Deep inside though, your not completely opposed to the idea.

"Go ahead, you'll never figure it out." he smirks.

"SouthsideSerpent123?" you guess.

"How did you know?" his eyes widen, his voice full of sarcasm. You two end up laughing in unison before he reaches across the table and grasps your small hand in his.

"I love you." he reminds you, admiration dripping from his voice.

"And I would love to read what your writing." you try.

"Not happening." he smiles before picking up his laptop and sliding out of the booth. He walks over to your side and kisses your forehead before kissing away the pout on your lips.

"I love you, too." you give in in a defeated tone. He smiles before walking out of the small diner called Pops. You can't help your mind wandering. You are his girlfriend after all, how hard could figuring out his password be?


I left the door to the trailer unlocked, I'll meet you in a few minutes.

You read over the last text from Jughead before turning off the ignition from your car and unbuckling your seatbelt.

Originally you two were supposed to meet at the drive-in and watch a horror movie you've been really wanting to see, but as usual Jughead got troubled with more gang related things. The alternative was meeting at his trailer and just watching a movie there. You weren't complaining. But selfishly, you wished he never joined the Serpents and just stayed under the neon light reflection at Pops, typing late into the night.

You slowly turn the rusty knob and push open the creaky door. Immediately you spot trash almost everywhere, littering the ground. You sigh as you know by now FP and Jughead can be slobs. You on the other hand were kind of a clean freak.

You grab a trash bag and start picking up soda cans, beer bottles, and even tissues. You made sure to grab the thick rubber gloves Jug stores underneath his sink. Finally when the place is spotless, something catches your eye. Jughead's computer.

You had almost forgotten, trying to figure out Jughead's password. You realized that you were being invasive and a little creepy. At least that's what Veronica told you over the phone last night. But looking at the shiny metal now, intrigue came coursing through you once again. What was it that he was writing about 24/7? What is just another news story, or something different?

Before you can stop it, curiosity lands it's hands on the device and opens it up. The screen immediately illuminates your face in the somewhat dark trailer. You think before typing, what would Jughead's password be? Probably something complicated, with letters, numbers, and more letters. Or is that what he wants you to think? Maybe it's just simply "password." Definitely not.

Suddenly it's comes to you. "Jugburger." You know it sounds incredibly stupid to someone looking in from the outside, but the Jugburger is a burger that Pop created just for, well Jughead. He absolutely cherishes this burger and talks about is nearly every time he can. You roll your eyes and hope that this works. You quickly type it in and suddenly your brought to his homepage.

Lets see...where would Jughead put his writing...

You come across a folder labeled PRIVATE. A pang of guilt flows through you. Your definitely playing the role of the overly invasive, non-trusting girlfriend.

You click on the folder and are quickly lead to an essay. This has to be it.

She Is
By Jughead Jones

You read. Who the hell is she? The worst thought comes to your mind. Is he seeing another girl? You continue anyway.

She is absolutely perfect. Perfect like realizing how amazing life can be when you found your missing half. Your function.

She is beautiful. The first time I saw her she involuntarily grabbed my heart and didn't let go. Her grip was too strong.

She is stunning. When I saw her open her front door on the night of prom, I knew right then and there I didn't deserve her. Her dress flowed like the combination of love and kindness she has inside her.

She is caring. She would never ever leave this tragic place without helping every single animal find a home. That day she asked me to help her volunteer at the pet shelter with her, it seemed like my love, even if I didn't know I had it then, seemed to glow through the layers of dust and rubble that remained in my heart for years and years. Maybe that was the time when I knew I didn't deserve her. Looking back on it now, I'm sure I knew all along.

I sometimes sit up at night. Wondering what I ever did to be graced with this beautiful gift made in the form of a small 5 foot girl. Because here's the thing..

I'm not perfect.

I'm not anywhere near perfect and until an hour ago I was pretty sure I was not meant to be with her at all. That this, the love and trust, is was purely by luck.

But then I realized she's stayed with me through the very darkest of times, to the brightest of day. Luck certainly doesn't go that far, not for me anyways.

Sitting across from her now, in a small red booth at Pops, her begging me to let her read what I'm writing about, I feel as though my love will never end for her. It's an eternal loop at has its highs and it lows, but I know that with her it's easy. It'll be easy.

She is Y/N Y/L/N.

You don't realize your crying until a warm tear hits your shirt. Jughead Jones wrote that about you.

Suddenly the door opens and you look over to see Jughead staring at the scene in front of him. You close the laptop and run over to him, pulling him into the strongest embrace. 

"You read it." He sighs.

"I loved it. I love you, so much." You cry, taking his face between your hands and swiping the pad of your thumb across his cheeks.

"I love you too, baby." He whispers before connecting you two once and for all.


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