Captured "The return of ian"

Start from the beginning

After a while, it's getting late, so we decide to try to get some sleep. Ian has come and visited a couple of times and told us to shut up.

-I sleep here! Alvin says and run towards a small house with cotton inside. The house has roof and walls and looks very small.

I wanted to say that I could sleep with him there, but Chuck quickly offers to sleep next to me.
Alvin doesn't say anything, or do anything. He just walks in his own little house. So I guess he was ok with it?
Anyway, Chuck made a nice place next to him on a blanket. This couldn't be too bad? I mean, he is cute and I can't be with Alvin all the time. It's not like we are dating or anything.
It's getting pretty late, so we decide to try to get some sleep.

-Isn't this great? He says with a deep voice, much deeper than Alvin's.
He start to scratch my leg, which isn't clothed. I'm wearing shorts, so my legs are nude. I feel uncomfortable with him touching me, so I remove my leg from his hand and turn around so my back are all he sees.

-I'm tired Chuck, can we sleep?

He doesn't answer, but I can feel that he nods, so I close my eyes.
Eleanor sleeps with Theo and Jeanette with Simon. But Alvin sleeps by himself, and me. I'm next to this random dude.
Okay, he isn't random, but he isn't Alvin.

Chuck try to lay his hand on my shoulder.
I take it back again. When I turn around, he sleeps. Or at least it seems like it. I don't want to be with him anymore.

Alvins pov

I lay here, without her. She is with her crush. "Chuck". What name is that? What does she see in him. I don't get it.
Just when I'm thinking about how to make chucks life as miserable as mine is, I hear a knock on the wall.
It's Brit.

-Hey... she says and make a little smile

Im suprised, didn't she like Chuck?
"What are you doing here?"

She lower her eyes and crawls inside the tiny house that we both now share.

-I don't get it? I like you Alvin, I thought you got that when I described you yesterday? Why are you so upset?

I feel my face brighten up. All these misunderstandings and now I find out that she likes me? I couldn't be more happy. Every guy want her, and every girl wants to be her. But she choose me.
I lick my lips before pushing her in my arms and give her a long kiss and big passionate kiss.

I can feel that she is smiling in the kiss, and her arms are now wrapped around my body.
Our kiss gets more and more rough and intense.
We roll around so that I'm over her and we lay in on a bed of some cotton and snog like crazy.

(A/n I don't even know if snog is a word but google translate said so lmao sry, it's like "making out" but I wanted to mix up my word closet :)

I can feel her breathing on my neck as we keep spooning, and I'm the little spoon even if I'm much bigger than her hehe.
She hug me from behind and I can feel her whole body next to mine. I'm calm.

The next morning

Brits pov

I wake up next to Alvin, this time I'm the little spoon. He is still asleep and his arms are around me.
-Hey hottie, I wisper as I see his eyes slowly starting to peer.

He smiles and kisses my forehead.

-You're not so bad yourself, he whispers back in my ear and I twitch by the tickling.

Suddenly I hear a voice screaming. I look at Alvin who looks just as supriced as me.


Now I realize who it is. It's Chuck.
I look at Alvin again, who has a big grin on his face. I giggle.
But when I hear footsteps getting closer I stop smiling and that happy face turns into a worried mine.
I hear a big footsteps until finally it stops.

-Alvin have you seen Bri.. Chuck begins, but when he sees me laying here next to Alvin almost naked he stops.

-What the HELL??!


1334 words!

Im sorry if this was a very confusing chapter, I dreamt about this yesterday and thought it would be fun to write about it.
Anyway, there are coming another chapter soon :))

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