How to ask

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*It has just began to be cold outside and the yearly snowball dance is around the corner. *

At the Seville's house / Alvin's pov

Simon runs in our room with a super happy face.
-I asked Jeanette to the dance and she said yes!! I'm so lucky!
He starts to dance and look like a crazy person. I can't help but laugh at how stupid he looks.

"What about you Alvin?, who are you going to ask?"
I turn around and look over at the treehouse that Brittany lives in, she is singing while hanging the laundry. Suddenly that laughter turns into jealousy. I don't have a date.
"I don't know yet"

I get this weird feeling in my chest and stomach when I talk or think about her, which is like all the time.
Simon goes inside his lab and I start to play with my soccerball. A few moments later I hear someone coming from the window, it's Jeanette.

She looked at me and then ran over to where I was standing. She looked a little worried and looked around before she asked me.
-Where is Simon?
"He is in his lab, what do you want?"
-I wanted to talk to him about something, but if he's busy I'll come back later.
Just as she was leaving, Simon comes out from his lab.
"Jeanette! Wait."

She turns around and looks at him.
"Sooo, Alvin can you leave us alone?"

I slowly walk away and go to the living room.

Simon pov

"So, what were you going to ask me?"
She looked with soft eyes at me.
My stomach tickles when she looks at me.
-I love that you invited me to the dance, but I feel sorry for Brittany, i mean Alvin just can't swollow his pride and just ask her, he thinks that it makes him weak or something.
Am I right?

She's totally right. Alvin is just too proud and he always want to be that "bad boy without feelings" but I know that deep down he has a big heart.

-Jeanette, I know that he is probably pining over that Britt is so pretty and unreachable now but I don't know how to get them together. I said and had a bit of compassion in my facial expression.
I look over at Jeanette, she looks down at her feet and then back on me.
Slowly she reach out and take my hand.
My whole body is shaking and I feel a big tingling feeling rushing trough my body.
My whole stomach is filled with this weird feeling.

-Uhm, Jean. I.. I feel..

Without even letting me continue, she quickly interrupts me.
-I know Simon, I feel it too.

She gives me a big smile and I smile back. My heart is pounding trough my entire body.
My grip around her hand and hold it for a while until I finally give her a hug.
I hug her. Normally I never would have hugged because I tell everyone that I hate hugs. But there is something about Jeanette that makes me do a exception.

At dinner with the chipettes and the chipmunks

Brittany's POV

Alvin is looking surprisingly sad, he is sitting and staring out of nowhere.

"Alvin, is is something on your mind?" Simon
Everybody got quiet and started staring at Alvin.
"Dave, may I be excused?" Alvin Said
Even if he didn't get an answer, he directly started to walk away from the table with determant steps.
We all look at each outer with surprised faces.

-I'll go speak with him, Dave said and disappeared in the same direction that Alvin went.

-Britt? Do you know why he was so upset?

I raise my hands and shake my head like I have no clue. Because it's true, I have no idea why he is so upset.

Alvin's pov

Why did i even run away? Aww,  I'm such a baby. Now britt will definitely not wanna go with me to the ball. Theo and Eleanor is sure going and I'm going solo, great.
I decided to go up to my room, I feel how my tears are starting to roll down my cheeks, but I smear them out as soon as they come.
As soon as I'm in my room I lock the door and I throw myself in my bed.
I hear Dave's footsteps outside and he knocks three times. I don't answer.
Instead I crawl under my covers and act like I'm not here.
Then he takes a key and comes in anyway, he walks to my bed and sits on the corner of it.
"What is wrong?"
I take the covers off my head and looks at Dave.
I hate that question, I hate talking about feelings and troubles. I take a deep breath before talking.
"I really want to go to the dance with Brittany, but I don't want her to think that I like her, Uhm.. because I don't, you know? We, we don't even like eachother"
I start to look around the room, in hope that he doesn't notice the fear and lies in my eyes.

-We'll, I guess a part of me thought that you liked Brittany but you can just tell her that you wanna be friends and I'm sure she will agree to that.

Uhm well yeah since she doesn't feel in any other way?
Dave walk out of the room and I walk around my room until I decided to do it, so I pick up my phone and called over Britt who now has returned to the treehouse.
She comes in by the window and directly asks
"What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

I walk over to her with a heart beating outside my chest and a hurting stomach and says,
-Will you be my date to the snowflakeball?
Uhm, you know, as friends?

Her mouth is now open and she stutters:
"Yes! That would be fun! I mean, we can make prank and make fun of each other like we always do! But.. as friends of course.

"Yes, of course.."

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