Part 4 ☆

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Natsu's View

She was blushing as I took hold of her wrist.

Why is she blushing? We are just staying in a room together. Does that make her nervous? Just me and her sleeping in a room together.

Then I started to blush.

Me and Lucy sleeping- No! We aren't doing anything like that! We are just sharing a bed not...

I started to think about what would happen if that did happen. With my other hand, I slapped myself across the face. Lucy looked at me puzzled.

I shouldn't be thinking about that with Lucy. If anything I should be picturing Lisanna but-

I couldn't think of me or Lisanna doing that. The picture wouldn't come to mind.


I decide to leave my thoughts and focus on finding a good hotel for both of us to stay in. As we walked, I noticed a few suspicious looking guys checking out Lucy. I got a bit pissed off.

Of course guys would be checking her out. She is extremelybeautiful, intelligent, kind, sweet....

I began thinking of all the things she was. I guess the list could go on for awhile.

I'm not letting those guys nearher. She is mine!

I felt my heart stopped at this thought. My face turned a darker shade of red. She looked up at me again.

"Are you okay, Natsu?" Her voice was filled with concern.

"I-I'm fine Lucy." I lied.

Lucy isn't mine... She is her own woman. I have Lisanna but the thought of Lucy with another guy but me made me even more angry. I don't want her with anyone.

I was being selfish.

No... She has a right to be with any guy she wants.

I let out a sorrowful sigh.

Lucy's View

Natsu's face kept turning darker shades of red. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

He said he was fine but...

I knew he was lying.

Maybe sharing a room was a bad idea. Maybe he just said that to make me feel better. He probably share a room with anyone else but me.

I decide to be blunt about it.


He looked at me as we walked.

"We shouldn't share rooms. You are clearly uncomfortable about it."

"It's not-"

"You don't have to lie, Natsu. Look at your face. It shows how uncomfortable you are about this."

"Lucy, its not-"

"Natsu, I'm serious. You don't-"

"That's not it!" he shouted loudly!

People on the streets turned and looked at us.

"That's not it." he repeated quietly. "I just have a lot on my mind. I don't mind sharing a room."

The rest of our walked remained quiet. We finally picked out a good place to stay. We were handed a key. I wanted to pay but he wouldn't let me. He told me to save my jewels. We walked into our hotel room.

Just as I thought...

There was only one bed. We would have to sleep on the same bed. I turned and look at him. He looked flustered. Then he said,

"I'm going to head out for a bit. You should get cleaned up."

With that he left. I was standing alone in the dull, average sized room.

I knew it. He doesn't want to. He lied to me but couldn't take it.

I sighed.

This is for the best though. He probably already sleeps with Lisanna so me with him feels wrong. He probably does more with Lisanna.

I got angry, extremely angry. I hated thinking that even though it probably was the truth.

Him and her having...

I balled up my hand into a fist. I was pissing myself off. He can do what he wants with his girl and i knew it. I'm just his friend. I'll always be his firend. I decide to take a warm bath to wash away my troubles. I walked into the bathroom and removed my clothes and keys, placing them on a nearby counter. I filled up the tub with steamy hot water. I stepped in and let the water engulf my body.

I'll just wash away all my troubles. I'll wash away my feelings for him.

I cupped some of the water into my hands and splashed it lightly against my face. Then, suddenly, the door burst open as three men quickly entered. I quickly reached for my keys but one of the men snatched them before me. Another man grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the tub. I screamed and tried to fight him off with no success. I kicked over a few objects trying to scare them away.

With out my keys I'm defenseless!

The third man came up directly to me and blew a black smoke into my face. My vision was blurred. I could hardly breath. Everything went dark.

A Starry Nights Kiss: A NaLu Fanfiction ☆Where stories live. Discover now