A Starry Nights Kiss: A NaLu Fanfiction ☆

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Natsu's View


Our lips parted ways. I stared into her delicate, blue eyes. The warmth of her smile always made me happy. The taste of her lips always filled me with joy. I interlocked our hands.


I pulled her into another kiss. Her lips were so soft. Everything about her was so delicate. She was my first love. I grew up with her. We were there for each other. Her death had broken me. I vowed to become stronger. When we found out her death was not real, I was filled with happiness. She was back, my first love. Why now did everything feel so wrong?

Lucy's View

I sat at the desk in my room, tapping my pencil against it's surface. It seems as though I'm always sitting at my desk, never actually writing anything, just sitting there. The thoughts in my head were jumbled. Nothing seemed right. My inspiration, my passion was gone.

Natsu... Why are you always on my mind?

I sighed, crumpled up the paper before me, and tossed into in to the waste basket, filled with many more empty thoughts.

You were the one. The one who made me who I am today. A Fairy Tail Mage. I would have never been here if it weren't for you.... Natsu.

Thinking about him made my heart ache. Something so close yet so far. Something I would die for only to have it slip away. Something I could never reach. Something I had always wanted. Something that had slipped away long ago but still hope someday to have. Seeing him with her always made me sad. I wanted him to notice. I wanted him to see how much I cared for him. How much I loved him.

I will never have you, Natsu. I will always love you, even if you can't seeit.

I wanted to tell him for so long now but couldn't. I could never tell him. It would shatter our friendship, our bond that we formed. I could never look at him the same if my feelings were rejected. I couldn't be near him if that happened. I would have to leave. I would have to hide in the shadows for my sadness, lurk in my pool of misery.

I never want to leave. I want to be by your side forever.

I was just a girl living her dreams, knowing they never meet reality.

Just one kiss. That's all I need is one kiss. A kiss that would last forever.

I let out another sigh as I retired to my bed. I'll wake up the same way as always. My days are the same as always but as long as your there, it is worth it. I dozed off into a peaceful slumber, where I can dance in an everlasting dream with him, with Natsu.

Natsu's View

I walked into the guild hall. I didn't get my usually greeting from Lisanna. I approached Elfman, who was chatting with Cana.

"Hey Elfman. Where's Lisanna?"

"She is out on a job with Mira nii-san. They won't be back for a few days."

I nodded and leaned against a counter. I didn't know what I was going to do today. Then I saw Lucy walk in. Her eyes were locked onto the ground as she entered.

What is wrong with her?It looks like she was crying.

I called out to her, "Oi Luce!"

She looked up at me and slowly approached me. Her eyes were slightly puffy and red.

She was crying...

Dried tears were still visible on her face. She looked horrible.

"You okay Lucy?"

"Yeah... I'm fine." Her voice was quiet and cracked.

"Lucy..." I stared at her.

"I'm really fine, Natsu." The tone of her voice was cold and flat.

I let out a sigh.

She won't tell me. Why won't you tell me, Luce?

"How about we go on a job together? Just me and you."

She suddenly changed as a smile dawned her face.

"I'd really like that." She smiled.

She looks really cute when she smiles.

I shook off the thought.

I shouldn't bet hinking that. I'm with Lisanna. We are just good friends. Why is she cute when she smiles? It's not just that. She is cute.

I shook my head again.

Stop it! You shouldn't be thinking these things. Lisanna is my girl, not Lucy. I love Lisanna. I love-

"How about this one?" Her voice broke me from my train of thoughts.

I took the flyer from her hand.

"This ones good. Let's get going."

She nodded. We exited the guild. She was in a much better mood. I felt happy but yet still sad.

Why don't you talk to me more, Luce? You never talk to me anymore. Why have we grown apart? What are you hiding? Lucy...

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