“No, no. You misunderstand. We got here just as the three of them ran into the building. We fought off the assailant ourselves. Thankfully there was just one person, but he or she was very powerful.

I sucked in a shocked breath, falling to one knee. I was thankful for their help, but now I was even more confused, who was the assailant? Was it they who killed my mother?

One of the elders, Gemma I think her name is, notices my position and moves to help me up. The woman puts a hand on my shoulder but the center figure shouts, “No!” The word resonates throughout the room and I lift my head to look at the Gewl who spoke. She steps forward into the light and I see that who I spoke to was not the angry woman I took her for.

She has a soft, round face with high cheekbones and dark, slanted eyebrows. Her eyes are a startling gold, flecked with bright green. She wears a white tunic and white leggings with brown knee-high boots that lace up the sides. Her dark black hair is perfectly straight and cropped short. It was held away from her face by a thin leather band. But it wasn’t her beauty that held my gaze, it was the gold, six pointed star on her left temple. She walks towards me, the line of elders parting to let her through, now aware that they are not the ones aiming to hurt me.

“Come with us child, we will train you to rise to your full potential. ” She again reaches her hand out to me. I glance over my shoulder and see that Nayna has joined us in the council room and is standing by the door to her rooms. It seems as if she knows this woman. She nods for me to take her hand.

I look back at the woman and speak for the first time.

“Do I get a say in this? Who are you? Why me? What about my family? You can’t expect me to just leave them behind!” The woman smiles gently at me as my anger floats to the surface, bubbling over and spilling out of my mouth as if my brain has just recognized the severity of the situation.

“All your questions will be answered in due time. Come now, come.” I jump a little as her last three words ring in my ears.

Is this my fate then? Have I finally found the source of my nightmares? Or at least the means to the end? I may have no choice now. I slowly reach out and take her hand, letting her help me to my feet. She bends down and retrieves my sword and shield from where they lay on the floor, handing them to me. I replace my sword in it’s sheath, knowing I won’t need it and hold my shield awkwardly.

“Now, is there a place where we can talk?” I nod and point to where Nayna stands.

”My grandmother’s rooms will suffice I think. No one will bother us there.”  She smiles and again reaches for my hand. I stare at it for a few seconds and then, sighing, I take it. I lead her towards where Nayna stands and she nods to me, opening the door for us.

“I’m going to go talk to the council.” I nod at her and she kisses my forehead before walking towards the other elders. I lead the woman through the door and we walk into the sitting room. She lets go of my hand finally and sits on the sofa gracefully. I close the heavy wooden door behind us and hear soft footsteps coming from the kitchen.

Faolise steps into the room and pauses. When he sees me he rushes forward and hugs me.

“What happened? We didn’t hear any fighting so we assumed…” He pauses as he notices our guest.

“Who is this?” He asks letting go of all of me except my hand. The woman on the couch nods to Faolise.

“I am a friend. Please, may we talk in private?” She looks between us, waiting for Faolise to leave.  He glances at me and I nod slightly. He drops my hand and turns back towards the kitchen. Before he leaves he bends down and kisses my forehead.

“Stay safe.” He whispers. Then he makes his way back into the kitchen.

“Now, let me explain who I am.” She pats the seat next to her and I join her on the couch.

“My name is Lady Briella, the two others are Lady Camilla and Sir Leoh and we are the guardians of the Moon Pool. We felt the power awaken inside you and have come to collect you to begin your training. You were born under the protection of the Pool and because of the power in your bloodline you have been chosen to become a Warrior of the Moon.” She looks at me expectantly and waits for me to say something. I just sit there trying to wrap my head around what just happened and what had just been said to me. I decide to voice my confusion.

“I don’t understand what you are asking of me.” She laughs quietly and puts her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I could feel all of the power that she held in that one touch, and it scares me.

“All we ask of you is your trust and your compliance. We will train you in Layinth, in Arms, and in the histories of our world. You will become one of us. You will learn all you need to know under our guidance. Now, will you come and train with us.” I bite my lip, meeting her intense gaze. I was still almost positive that they had the wrong girl, but I wouldn’t admit that.

“Where will you take me? Will I have to leave home? My mother just passed and my sister has no one, I can’t leave her now.” Lady Briella sighs and shakes her head, “ I am sorry to hear about your mother. We happen to know who is behind her murder, and if you join us, you’ll be one step closer to defeating them. No you won’t have to go anywhere. We can train you from here, all we need is your cooperation.” Suddenly I am excited. Finally, a way to stand up for myself, to fight the dreams and the attackers, and yet I feel torn. I am reminded of my sister, Faolise, Nayna, and those who would weep if I were gone. I take a deep breath, my decision made.

I nod my head slowly..

“I accept my fate and agree to train under the guidance of the Gewls.” Lady Briella smiles and takes my hand from where it rests on my thigh.

“Then let the adventure begin.”

Sister of TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin