That's what friends are for

Start from the beginning

KARA: "How did you get the right earth?"

LENA: "We went directly through a portal and thought about finding Barry, finding the only Barry Allen that has come into contact with Kara Danvers on Earth-38."

KARA: "Well thank you for bringing him here."

LENA: "Well I'm glad you're ok. i think I should tell Alex to stand down."

KARA: "What?"

LENA: "We thought you were disappearing because you were still sad and Alex was ready to attack Barry."

KARA: "Yes go and tell her to stand down i don't want her to attack my boyfriend. Go! Tell her!"

LENA: "I will. Glad to see you're both feeling happy."

KARA: "When he's here - always."

    Lena smirked and walked off. those two still acted like they're teenagers in love and it's the cutest thing ever. She needed to tell Alex immediately and they can both fangirl over it together. Meanwhile in Kara's apartment the two had reclined beck to the couch.

BARRY: "She seemed nice."

KARA: "She is. She's been coming here weekly to help me feel better. It wasn't until last week i could tell her about you though."

BARRY: "I'm still sorry about that by the way."

KARA: "Don't be. Just be happy that you're here."

BARRY: "I am."

    The couple leaned in and slowly began to make out. But they were cut off by a blue mist forming in Kara's apartment.

KARA: "What the hell is that?"

BARRY: "A portal. Suit up. We don't know who or what could be inside or when and where they're from."

KARA: "Did you say when?"

BARRY: "Yes, suit up!"

    Barry was suited up in a blaze of lightning and Kara just pulled her clothes off (she wears her suit underneath!). A man, a bit smaller than Barry stepped out of the portal. He had long, black hair, gauntlet that were definitely make out of some kind of technology and wore some glasses that glowed a bright blue colour.

KARA: "I'm sorry who the hell are you? And why are you in my apartment?"

BARRY: "Kara, it's fine. he's one of my friends from Earth-1. Hey Cisco."

CISCO: "Hey dude."

BARRY: "So what's the problem that you needed me while I'm on superhero vacation?"

CISCO: "All hell has broken loose. Crime has doubled. Meta humans are popping up everywhere. New ones. Old ones. We need the Flash"

BARRY: "And Supergirl. Kara, want to tag along?"

KARA: "Sure, just give me half an hour to tell people."

BARRY: "Ready whenever you are."

    Barry looked straight into Kara's eyes, as if to say 'Should I tell him?'  and Kara shook her head, fast enough that only someone with super speed would see. She flew off and left Barry and Cisco in her apartment. She went to go and tell J'onn, Alex (probably Lena) and Winn. She went to tell J'onn first. She arrived in the DEO and went upstairs to where J'onn was.

KARA: "J'onn I'm not going to be here for the next week or so."

J'ONN: "Why not?"

KARA: "I'm going to help a friend out with his city."

J'ONN: "Ok then, see you Supergirl."

KARA: "Thanks J'onn."

    Kara then found Winn downstairs and had basically the same exchange with him. She flew to Alex and had a rather different conversation. Lena was there.

KARA: "Alex, Lena, I'm not going to be here for a week or so."

ALEX: "Is it to spend time with your boyfriend?"

KARA: "Kind of - his Earth is experiencing problems and he asked me to tag along."

LENA: "See what i meant Alex - they're inseparable."

KARA: "Well I better be going now. Also no-one else knows that Barry is my boyfriend so don't tell anyone."

ALEX: "Well be safe."

KARA: "Always."

ALEX: "I wasn't talking about crime fighting."

KARA: "Seriously you two"

    Kara flew off as Alex and Lena bust out laughing. Meanwhile in Kara's apartment Barry wasn't doing much better.

CISCO: "You like her."

BARRY: "No i don't."

CISCO: "So why did you invite her over to our Earth?"

BARRY: "Because she is the most powerful being on our Earths."

CISCO: "Ok but why were you here in the first place."

BARRY: "I was spending time with a friend."

CISCO: "Who happened to be on another universe?"

BARRY: "Yes."

    Kara flew in and Barry was relieved to say the least. Saying he didn't like Kara was the hardest lie he has ever told. 

BARRY: "Kara, you here. Maybe you can save me from the onslaught of embarrassing questions."

KARA: "Hey I had to put up with it too."

BARRY: "Alex and Lena?"

KARA: "Yes."

CISCO: "Ok, lets go."

    The three stepped through the portal, ready for adventure and (Barry and Kara) not knowing what was on the other side.

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