Chapter 18: Magical Girl

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Sensing his dark thoughts Arturia pinched her son's cheek and scolded him once again. Yuto had forgotten long ago how his mother treated him. Sure Lancer and Saber were both different, mentally and physically, but they were the same on how to raise and treat their child. As a child Yuto had many dark thoughts of destroying several of the neighbors kids homes or torturing them for his amusement. All due to his black hair, the thing is apparently blonde and red hair when mixed genetically will create black hair. In all honestly he looked more like his aunt than his mother or father causing others to believe he was adopted. Thus that was the result of his childhood dark thoughts, if anything he blamed Morgan for being the sister of Arthur.

His mother always did say he reminded her of her sister.

Good reason too

Deep down inside his heart Yuto missed the treatment his mother gave him, he missed the fact of having a parent entirely. A mother's love is the most important love out of them all and a father's guidance is the most important one a child should follow. When those two are robbed from the child at each a young age, the once sweet child becomes a bitter person. That was the result early on when Yuto was orphaned, he was taken in by his aunt who was a very close friend to both his mother and father. Although due to his eyes and hair color being the same as his aunt many people mistaken Yuto for being her child. While his aunt was someone he loved dearly, having been reminded of a mother you lost and someone replacing her will trigger the child. Of course he never lashed out at Aunt Rin but the pain he felt was still there.

He guessed after almost a decade had passed things changed and Yuto accepted his parents death. But he never knew that one day being transported into another world will somehow reunite you with your deceased Mother. Yuto wouldn't be surprised if there was a Servant Version Of his father considering what he heard from his aunt.

Pushing back these thoughts Yuto started to think about an even more important matter. How the hell was he explain to the supernatural beings the Lancer Servant he summoned moments ago is his biological mother? It would be had enough to explain he summoned another servant from the throne of heroes but summoning your mother to be your servant? Incest is gonna be the very first thing that comes to mind with anyone who hears it ether if their perverted or not. If any male pervert did hear about the no doubt they would spread rumors about it, Yuto one several people who would do such a thing. Plus with added bonus with this was he was gonna have to explain the thing with him being half human and half heroic spirit. Arturia ( Saber and Lancer) were human before they become heroic spirits but there has to be some explain on how a Servant can apparently mate and get pregnant with their master.

If Yuto ever met his father again he was gonna give him a right hook for not explaining this early on in his life because having a random Servant from the Sixth Holy Grail War explain you were born from a heroic spirit is quite shocking and random you know! 

Back on topic, Yuto was gonna have to avoid the ORC and Student Council for now. Though that was gonna be quite hard with the amount of attention his Servant/Mother was gaining. 

Throughout the day Yuto had to use some of his magecraft to deal with the growing fan boys. Every class he and the lancer went their would be dozens upon dozens of boys there staring at her with hearts in their eyes. What made it harder was the amount of male parents that appeared as well, even if their child was in said class or not. Lucky for him his Aunt taught him enough magecraft to knock them out or simply erase their memory on his mother. The most challenging thing however was avoiding the devils. 

Highschool DxD: Unlimited Blade Works ( rewriting 26-44)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt