You surprise her

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A/n: you've been gone a while and you surprise her in Hogmaids

No One's Pov:

It has been two months since you left Hogwarts to help your family with an emergency and Hermione was still upset and sad. She always spends time in the library and in her room waiting for a letter from you telling her you were coming back but nothing so when it was time for another Hogmaids trip Hermione intended to do the same thing but Harry and Ron wouldn't let her.

Ro:"Come on Mione you need to get out of this room"

He:"No I'm perfectly fine here," Hermione says muffled from her book

Ha:"Come on it will be fun" Harry takes the book out of her hands and close it

He:"HEY" she reaches up for the book but harry puts it on top of a high shelf

Ro:"Hermione you haven't been out in two months people are starting to wonder"

He:"then let them wonder" she pulls out another book from behind the cushion Harry scoffs and takes that book as well

He:"Harry that was my last book"

Ha:"Good" Hermione scoffs

He:"Fine if I go will you give me my book back"

Ro:"And we'll buy you a butterbeer" Harry nods

He:"Fine I'll go with you" she stands up from her chair and grabs her book

He:"But only for the butterbeer" the boys chuckle and the group heads for Hogsmaids


After wandering around Hogsmaids the pair goes to the three broomsticks to get Hermione that promised Butterbeer. When they entered the bar was kind of silent at least silent for the three broomsticks and everyone was smiling at Hermione she brushed it off and went to the back booth while the boys ordered she buried her head in a book she heard the boys sit down in front of her and they talked after a while she heard someone silently walk up to the booth she didn't her the glass hit the table so she lowered her book and saw someone in a hood with her butterbeer on a tray.

Y/n:"Did someone order a butterbeer with ginger" she knew that voice the person put the glass and tray down and lowered her hood it was y/n her girlfriend. Hermione screeched and jumped into y/n arms y/n holds her girlfriend and laughed.

He:"You're back when did you get back how why-" y/n laughs and kisses her to stop the strain of questions coming from her girlfriend after two seconds of this Hermione kisses her back and tears fall from her cheeks the surrounding bar filled with cheers and shout Ron stands up with his jug of butterbeer and screams

Ron:"THE GRYFFINDOR QUEENS ARE BACK TOGETHER" again the bar cheers!!!!


H.G imagine and preferenceWhere stories live. Discover now