Chapter 20

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I told everyone who is still here about mom, now we're just waiting on Taylor, Michael and Matt to get back.

"Hey where's Landon?" I ask Leah

"Mm I think he went to visit his hometown?" Leah says

"Oh, why didn't Mahogany go?"

"She wanted to stay with Jacob, I swear they're such love birds!" Leah says, we all laughed,

"So what's new with you guys?" I ask Nash and Cameron

"Nothing much, We get to go to Good Morning America in a couple of weeks, that's something right?" Nash says

"OMG!! both of you?" I say

"Haha yes," Cameron says laughing at my reaction

"I'm so proud of you two!!" I go over to them and hug them tight, They're doing such big things. It makes me super proud.

"Uhh ohh I think Aliyaah has a dirty diaper." Nash says, I laugh

"HA! Well now you get to change her, she doesn't like me remember?" I say

"Ughhhhhh Kennyyy...-"  Nash says getting cut off by Kenny

"Nahh nahh nahh you change her, here I'll bring you the stuff." Kenny says going upstairs and bringing her diaper stuff.

"Here, you and Cameron need to learn how to change diapers. For whenever you guys have kids." Kenny says laughing, she starts showing them.

I hear doors slam which means the guys are here. They enter with a not so good face.

"What happened?" I ask they all look at each other,

"I'm the brother, I'll tell her." Michael says, Matt goes over to Kenny and distracts her for some reason? Taylor goes with Matt as well.

Michael takes me upstairs, we enter my room,

"Sit down." He says

"Alright, so we went and they said they can help you." He says

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, since you're 16 and you have a kid, you can't be forced to move back with Mom, as for Kenny, since she's only 14, she still has to be with mom, unless I act quick and fight for her custody."

"And are you going to do it?"

"Yes, I'm planning to. When mom comes, she's already gonna have a court date so the judge can decide. They say its gonna be really hard for me to get Kenny's custody, so they recommended a lawyer, I already went to talk to one. He's getting all the evidence, anything he needs."

"When's the court?"

"A week from today, which is next Monday."

"Are you gonna tell her?"

"Yeah, bring her up yeah?"

"Sure, but I don't want to be in here."

"Okay." Great, We can never be happy, now my sister might have to go away. If she goes away I don't know what I'll do. I go downstairs and see everyone sitting down,

"Kenny Michael wants to talk to you." I say sitting in the only open seat which is next to Matt and Cameron.  As soon as Kenny is upstairs Leah speaks up

"What's up?" she says

"Kenny is the only one that might have to go back with mom unless Michael gets her custody." I say

"Aww Man that sucks, So you don't have to go?" Nash asks

"No, because I'm 16 and I have a kid so I can't be forced to move back in with her."

"So what's gonna happen?" Leah asks

"A week from today, which is next Monday, Michael and Mom are going to court for Kenny's custody, I want all of you to be there. Just for support towards Kenny." I say I look at Matt, He looks so sad,

"Don't worry Matt, its gonna be okay." I give him a hug, Matt's like my little brother, I care and love him so much (as a brother) I respect how he treats my sister, he treats her like a princess.

"Yeah come on guys let's give Matt a group hug." Taylor says getting up, we all get up all hug Matt,

"Aww y'all are the best, I love you all, thank you for making a negative into a positive." Matt says smiling

"No Thank you Matt for ALWAYS caring for others, and for staying positive, and for making us feel great when we feel down. We love you Matt." Leah says, We all sit back down. Kenny and Michael come down, She looks like she cried.

I get up and hug her,

"Love you Kenny, its gonna be okay." I say

"Love you to Kenzie." She says

"Here sit next to Matt I'll sit over with Taylor," I say going over and sitting on Taylor's lap since there's no open seats,

"Woah guys Woah get a room." Nash Says covering Aliyaah's eyes, everyone laughs,

"You guys are so dumb!" I say rolling my eyes

"Nah guys she's kidding she knows she likes it, why else would she sit on me?" Taylor says laughing, gosh I always get bullied around here, Just kidding but seriously everyone always messes with me and its not cool.

"I want a nephew." Kenny says , Oh my gosh, here come those annoying side comments that aren't neccesary.

"Matt give your girl a son." Cameron says

"No!!!!!!" Michael and I both say, we look at each other and laugh,

"My widdle baby Kenny is never having kids, will not until she's 40!" I say on purpose, Kenny always gets mad when I treat her like a baby.

"Well said Kenzie Well said." Michael says laughing,

"No but seriously Kenzie, where's baby #2?" Nash says

"Alright I'll have a baby, so YOU can change his diapers and feed him." I say

"Uhm baby #2 can wait then." Nash says quietly, we all laugh, these are the moments I cherish the most, hanging out with my mains, my family.

We all talk for about 2 more hours until Nash and Cameron go home,

"Alright well we gotta go." Nash says, Aliyaah starts crying

"Aww I know you're going to miss me Ali, I'll be back tomorrow, I promise." Nash says hugging Aliyaah, It seems like she understood him, she got all happy,

"Oh gosh Nash, I swear you have better communication with Aliyaah than we all do." I say,

"Well what can I say? I'm a lovable person." He says,

"Alright well se you guys tomorrow." Cameron says, They leave and the rest of us go to our rooms. Aliyaah eventually falls asleep. Taylor and I change into our Pj's and get into bed.

"Night babe." Taylor says wrapping his arms around my waist, not so fast, payback time, at the most perfect moment, when Taylor is tired.

"Mm Night....." I say turning around and rubbing Taylor's stomach.

"What are you doing?" He asks

"Nothing." I say kissing him, I quickly move into his sweet spot,

"Kenzie...." Got him! Just a little more and I'll stop, I get on top of him and bite his neck, I can feel his warm body, I feel him get turned on, literally. I quickly get off of him and go to sleep.

"You're such a tease." He says

"Payback's a bitch." I say laughing.


Hey guys! Just wanted to say, the Matt being an amazing person, it's true, like seriously, Matt is such a great person! ♥

Well  bye thanks for reading! (:

Part 2 Of Will you stay? (A Taylor Caniff Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora