Chapter 28

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*After the zoo*

We are now home, the zoo was pretty fun, but we were all hungry, Aliyaah needed a diaper change, and it was getting hot outside.

So now, its 9:56 p.m and we are having a bonfire!! Yay! The girls are inside preparing smores and the guys are outside doing whatever guys do.

"Alright, I think this is enough, let's go outside?" Leah says

"Yeah. Kenny, can you please get Aliyaah's blanket?" I say

"Yes Mam." Leah and I go outside, I hand Aliyaah to Nash, and sit next to Taylor. There's still an empty spot, next to Matt for Kenny. I'm so glad she can talk to him again, well feel comfortable.

"today was fun." Cameron says

"Foreal, We should have more of these days. I mean its summer, and we need to have fun ya know?" Matt says, we all nod. Kenny comes and gives Nash Aliyaah's blanket.

"Mmm, I love smores." Leah says,

"Right?" I say. I feel my phone vibrate, a message from mom,

"Hey honey, will you please call me as soon as possible?"

"Yeah, call me right now?"

"Okay." I look up and everyone is starring at me,

"Who was it?" Michael asks

"It was mom. She's go-" I get interrupted with her call

"Hey mom!" I say

"Hey honey, wassss upp" Omg did she jut say wasss up, I look around and everyone is laughing.

"Uhm nothing much, just with the crew."

"Mm what are y'all doing?"

"Bonfire. And you?"

"I'm packing."

"For what?"

"I'm going over there. I have a flight tonight. I'll be there tomorrow morning."


"No, Kenzie, I know I can't bring you, I'm only gonna bring Kenny back with me."

"Mom, how long are you staying here?"

"2 days?"

"Stay for the week?"


"Alright well see you tomorrow."

"Okay honey, bye! Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up and look up, No one says word. We just act like it didn't happen and continue on with the bonfire.

"Let's play a game?" Cameron says

"What game?" Leah asks

"Truth or dare?" He says, everyone nods

"Okay! I go first!! Kenzie, truth or dare?" Kenny says, oh my gosh, I hate being picked first. Especially with them, they are so perverted.

"Uhmm... Truth?" I say, everyone groans,

Part 2 Of Will you stay? (A Taylor Caniff Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora