Chapter 18

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Kenzie's POV

Its been an hour since Taylor and I had our talk. Aliyaah looks so hurt in her little bed. I'm so heartbroken, I wish I was going through all the pain not Aliyaah, I wish I had all the stuff connected to me not her.

Austin has been so supportive. Michael, Landon, Kenny and Matt left a while ago.

"Austin you can go to the house If you want."

" No, I want to stay here with you." He says

"Thank you Austin, for being so supportive."

"No problem." We're on the couch right now, He puts his arm around me, I lean my head on his shoulder. We soon fall asleep.

*The next morning*

I wake up with Austin's arm still around me. I quietly get up and check Aliyaah. She's asleep. I unlock my phone, 7:34am. Today's Saturday, I feel My phone vibrate, a text from Taylor. I open it,

"Kenzie, can I go see Aliyaah?"

"Yeah." I'm still mad that Taylor, But I'm not gonna prevent him from seeing his daughter.

I turn and see Austin wake up

"Good morning." I say

"Morning." He sits up and rubs his eyes,

"How is she?" He asks getting up

"Well I just got up, but it looks like the bleeding has stopped."

"Thank god."

"Taylor's coming to see her." I say turning to face him,

"Oh, well that's good right?"

"Yeah. If you want you can go to the house and do anything you have to do like change, eat, or shower?"

"Nah, I'm gonna wait for you."

"You reall-" I was interrupted with a nurse coming in,

"Good morning you two. I'm just gonna quickly check Ms Aliyaah's wound."

"Okay." I say walking over to her and Aliyaah. She moves her around and cleans the wound,

"Well it looks way better than it did yesterday. I say she's gonna get better in a couple days, the medicine is helping a lot. But I'll call in the doctor as soon as he gets here. If you need anything, please feel free to call." She says smiling and walking towards the door.

"I really hope she can go home soon. I hate hospitals." I say going to sit down,

"Tell me about it." Austin says sitting on the other side of the couch. I hear the door opening, when I look up Taylor is there.

"Hey." I say

"Hey, did the nurse just come in here?"


"What did she say?"

"That she can go home in a couple of days and that the medicine is really helping her."

"That's good, Hey Austin, can I speak to you outside?" Taylor says, I hope this is good.

"Sure man." Austin says getting up to go outside.

Taylor's POV

I thought it through last night, I know I was a biggo jerk. I should have really given Austin a chance.

I lead Austin into the waiting room, there's no one there, we both sit down,

"Look Austin, I'm so sorry for being such an asshole about all this. I just don't know why I get so mad all of a sudden, I know you have good intentions and hopefully wouldn't ever do anything bad to Kenzie. Can we start all over?" I say, He smiles,

"Nah bro its all good, I'm the one who shouldn't have been hanging out with Kenzie. She's a great person, you have a good girl, don't ever let her out of your hands, and I'm Austin, nice to meet you." He says shaking My hand,

"Thank you, oh and I'm Taylor, Haha let's go back before Kenzie has a heart attack." I say getting up

"Haha Agreed."

Kenzie's POV

It's been like 10 minutes already what the heck are they talking about? I see them both walk in with a smile on their face.

"What?" Taylor says sitting down next to me,

"What do you mean what?" I say

"Here let me explain, Taylor and I, are friends now." Austin says sitting on a chair.

"Really? Thats great!" I say smiling, I'm so happy they're friends now, Taylor can finally see what a great guy Austin is. They start talking about the most random stuff, I get up and see Aliyaah is awake.

I prepare a bottle for her and feed her. I'm so glad everything is getting back to normal. Except for the fact that Aliyaah is still in the hospital. But I know things will get better for her.

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