Chapter 13

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*The Next Morning*

I woke up still not believing that I met Austin Mahone, and that he hung out with us yesterday, and he's gonna hang out with us today, and that I got a picture, his number, an autograph, and his follow on twitter.

I'm so glad I decided to walk around.

We all have our own room in this house, I unlock my phone, 9:14am, 2 missed calls, and 5 unread messages.

I check the missed calls, both from Taylor, I'll call him later. I check the messages, 1 from Austin and 4 from Taylor. Oh gosh, I open Austin's first

"Hey Kenzie! How about we hit up the beach today?"

"Okay! I'll tell the girls, what time though?" While I wait for him to reply I check Taylor's messages

"Hey Kenzie, How's your day been?"

"Aliyaah is being fussy, what do I do?"

"So I see you met Austin??"

"Well goodnight, I didn't want you to sleep without your Goodnight, call me when you're done hanging with "Foolish Four""

I don't know if I should reply, well obviously I am, but what do I say? He's so bipolar, he gets mad for everything. I feel my phone vibrate, Austin

"Uhm 12? Is it okay If we come over and hang out like at 10:30?"

"Okay! And Yeah come over whenever!" I got up and quickly changed into my pink polka dotted 2 piece bikini, and a sundress over it. I decided to just leave my hair natural, its kind of wavy.

I knock on each of the girls room,

"Girls! Beach today! and Austin and the guys are coming over at 10:30!" I hear them both say okay. So I go downstairs and make myself a sandwich.

Leah comes down first

"You look cute!" She says

"Thanks So do you."

"Michael told me Taylor is kind of mad."

"You talked to him? and yeah I got 2 missed calls, and 4 texts from him."

"Yeah this morning. And wow, he gets really mad huh?"

"Yes! I forgot to call him, I'm gonna go outside and call him."

"Okay!" I dial Taylors number, and on My way outside I see Jackie,

"You look cute." I whisper to her

"Thanks so do you." I hear some one pick up on the other line

"What?" Taylor says

"Uhm well hi?" I say sliding the door to go outside.

"Hi" He sounds so stubborn right now to be honest.

"I'm sorry I didn't check my phone last night, so I didn't see your messages."

"Too buisy with Mahone?" I see Austin and the guys coming over,

"Eyy Ken-" Austin says before I cut him off, I put my hand on the speaker,

"Go on inside, I'm talking to Taylor." I whisper to them, the all go inside

"Who was that?" Taylor asks,


"Well I'll let you go hang out with Mr famous."

"Taylor don't be like that. Austin is just a friend. Don't you remember I only have eyes for you and ONLY YOU."

"Apparently Not." He says and hangs up. I decide not to call him back, Im not gonna kiss ass because he's mad, I know I'm saying the truth, yeah I used to fangirl over Austin, But I LOVE Taylor with all my heart.

I go back inside,

"Sorry guys, it was Taylor." I say going over to sit next to Austin, which is the only seat left.

"I know we just met, but is everything okay?" Austin asks

"He's just mad, but let's not worry about him."

"So Austin, do you have a girlfriend?" Leah asks

"Nawww Not right now." He says

"Why?" Leah asks

"I just can't find the perfect girl, and the ones I have dated, just want me for my fame."

"Do any of you have a girlfriend?" Jackie asks, everyone says no except for Alex

"Yeah, Her name is Sarah." He says (Okay I know they're not dating, but I miss #Salex They were so cute don't you guys agree?)

"Aww how cute." Leah says, he smiles,

"Well its almost 12, we should go to the beach now?" Austin says, We all agree and go down to the beach. There's not a lot of people, but there were some fans who were there.

We were setting up our little spot to tan when two girls came up to Austin

"OMG Hi Austin!!!" One of them says, the other one looks too shy to talk.

"Hey, how are you?" Austin says, They all started taking pictures, Me and the girls were minding our own business when the fan mentioned me,

"Hey! Isn't she Mackenzie Gonzales?" The girl asked,

"No?" Robert said,

"Yeah! What are you doing with Austin? Where's Taylor? Are you cheating?" I decided not to talk, honestly, I don't care If she's a fan, I literally would have flipped on her.

"Uhm Well if you don't mind we'd like to have our privacy." Zach says,

"You're such a hoe" The girl says,

"Leave!" Zach says, I swear Zach is the best, he gives zero fucks. The girls finally walk away when Zach tells them to,

"Its about time." Robert says, we all nod

"I'm so sorry about that." Austin says hugging me,

"Its fine, I guess that's what happens when you date a guy who's kind of famous." I let go of the hug and see girls snapping pictures.

"Guys, I hope them taking pictures of the hug doesn't cause trouble." Jackie says.

"I hope." I say.


Sup guysss!! (: I'm so happy! Almost 1k reads on the first book! That's like AMAZING! ♥♥ Thank you guys so much!!

Thank you all again for reading, It means so much to me. ♥♥

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