Chapter 11

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*After The Party*

The whole crew left about an hour ago, Mahogany, again decided to go with Jacob. So it was just Landon, Michael, Leah, Matt, Kenny, Taylor and I who were here at the house.

Aliyaah fell asleep when Nash left so she was up in her room. We were all just talking in the living room,

"I'm getting kind of tired." Michael said,

"Yeah me too.." I said, we all decided to head to our rooms. Taylor and I got ready and went to bed. When we were all done, I decided to bring up LA.

"Guess what?" I said


"Jackie wants to take Leah and I to LA."



"And what did you say?"

"Well that's why I wanted to ask you first."

"Well how long?"

"We would leave tomorrow and be there all weekend."

"Well I mean you can go, just promise me you won't look at other guys."

"Of course babe! I only have eyes for you." I say kissing him,

"And can Aliyaah stay here with me?"


"Okay, well let's sleep now, goodnight babe, I love you."

"Goodnight, love you too." With that we went to sleep.

*The next morning.*

I woke up before Taylor and Aliyaah did. So I quickly took a shower and put a romper on, I paired it off with some sparkly toms. For my hair I just made a side braid.

I went downstairs and saw Leah in the kitchen,

"Morning!" Leah said eating cereal,

"Goodmorning," I grabbed a plate and served myself some cereal.

"Did you ask Taylor?"

"Yeah, He said I can go, did you tell Michael?"

"Yay! And Yes I did! He said yes."

"Omg! we're gonna have so much fun!"

"We should call Jackie." Leah said, I unlocked my phone, 8:23 am.

"Hmm let's see if she's awake." I dialed her number and she quickly picked up,


"Hey Jackie, your on speaker, Leah is here."

"Hey!" Leah said

"Hey girls, did you girls ask for permission?" She said laughing

"Haha yes, we both have permission. Do you have permission?" Leah said

"Yeah! Well let's leave at 10? So it won't be too hot riding over there."

"Okay! well we're gonna go get our bags ready." I said, We hung up and went to pack.

I entered the room And saw Taylor with Aliyaah,

"Hey babe!" I said going to get my zebra suitcase.

"hey." Taylor said walking over to me,

"What time are y'all leaving?" He says kissing me.

"10, Do you want me to get Aliyaah's bottles ready?" I asked Going to My closet,

"Uhm Nahh I got it." I packed 2 dresses, 3 shorts, 3 shirts, and 3 pairs of shoes. I grabbed all my make up and hair stuff,

"Alright I think I'm ready," I said

"Its bearly 9." Taylor says

"Are you hungry?" I ask


"Well let's go downstairs so I can cook you something."

"Alright." I go downstairs and Taylor follows with Aliyaah in his arms, He puts her in her little kitchen swing,

"Egg, bacon, and pancakes?" I ask him

"Yes please." I'm guessing everyone else is in their room, but I still make extra food for them.

After I finish I sit next to Taylor,

"Babe are you sure you want to stay here with Aliyaah?" I say

"Positive. You go have fun, you haven't gone out with the girls in a long time. Don't worry babe."

"Okay," I hear the doorbell ring, I go over to the door and open it,

"Hey!" Nash and Jackie say,

"Hey you two, come on in." They enter and go to the kitchen, When Nash sees Aliyaah he runs over to her, Aliyaah gets all jumpy and happy,

"There's my cute little niece!!" He says in a baby voice and picks her up, we all laugh at how cute their little friendship is.

"So you ready?" Jackie asks,

"Haha yeah, but I'm not sure about Leah."

"Well let's go check?" We go to Leah's room and knock,

"Who is it?" Leah asks

"Jackie and Kenzie!" I said

"Enter." We go in and see her with her suitcase,

"Ready?" Jackie asks,

"Yup, I'm leaving now Babe!'' she says, Michael comes out of the bathroom,

" Hey girls, And okay babe, be good love you." They kiss and we go downstairs, I go over to Taylor,

"Alright babe, we're leaving, love you take care of Aliyaah."

"Okay, Love you too babe, and don't worry I'm sure Nash won't let anything bad happen to her." He said coming over to hug and kiss me, I pulled away but he wouldn't let me,

"Taylor!!" I said trying to pull away from the kiss,

"Ewwwyyy" Nash says in a baby voice which causes Aliyaah to laugh.

"Haha bye!" We say going out the door.

"Alright let's go!" Jackie says backing out Nash's car.


Hey guys, im not gonna update as much as i usually do this weekend, I'm super busy with my confirmation. Thanks for reading, Have a great weekend!

Thanks for reading

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