21. Quality Time

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Me and my mom were out trying to have a good time but sadly we ran into Jay and Paige and my mom and Jay got to talking and so I just walked into a random store.

"Yay great day out mom." I said to my self and just started looking at random things.

"So you hate us now?" I heard and seen Paige next to me.

"I never said that." I said.

"Sure seems like it and actions speak way louder than words." Paige explained.

"Well if that's true then judging by the way me and Jay treat each other, we'd probably wanna fight until one of us dies."I said sarcastically.

"I think deep down you miss her." Paige said and I went kinda quiet, in a way I do miss Jay but she turns her back on me to much especially when I need her the most and it bothers me, a lot.

"So I'm right?" Paige asked.

"Not exactly, it's very complicated." I answered.

"Clearly but I think you two could really work through everything if you really tried. She misses you." Paige explained.

"I'd rather hear that from her than you, you could be making that up." I told her.

"Would you be willing to talk to her? " Paige asked me.

"Not right now, I just wanna spend time with my mother before we really get back on the road. Jay can wait." I answered.

"Ok, I'll see you around." Paige said and she walked away and her and Jay left and my mom came and we finished off of mother daughter bonding day.


"Why don't you text Corey on my phone and ask her to hang out next week?" Paige suggested to me.

"So she can say no or say yes and then stand me up." I said.

"Look you two really need to fix your problems already." Paige said.

"I know but a lots going on right now, I'm not sure if the timing is right." I told her.

"I think momma Gonzalez would like to see you two getting along again before, well you know." Paige explained.

"I'll consider it but for now, no."

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